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The Torah as a place of refuge
LCC: BS1265.6.L3 C63 2016
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Supplementary Content
Table Of Contents
The Law in the Bible and in the Ancient Near East
"Biblical law ": ambiguities, problems and challenges of a definition
"Does it make sense to speak of 'biblical law'?" : Epistemological problems
Methodological difficulties : the problem of the sources
Comparison with roman law
Comparison with anglo-saxon law
Juridical models of the 19th Century : between 'evolutionism' and 'diffusionism'
The 'evolutionist' model
The 'diffusionist' model
The authority of the law and the law-text relationship
The authority of the law according to the statutory model
The authority of the law according to the customary model
The law-text relationship in the two models
The affirmation of statutory law in Europe
The law of the ancient Near East
The principal Mesopotamian juridical collections
The juridical tradition of ancient Egypt
General considerations on the legislative collections of the ANE
Statutory Interpretation : the law of the ANE as positive or prescriptive law
Customary interpretation of the laws of the ANE
Elements of continuity between the laws of the ANE and biblical law
Peculiar elements of biblical law compared with the laws of the ANE
"What, then, is biblical law?" an attempt at synthesis
Biblical Criminal Law and the Book of Numbers
Criteria distinguishing 'civil law' and 'criminal law' in the biblical legislative texts
The State of the art in recent literature
A proposal to distinguish the norms based on the nature of conflict
Criteria for the cataloguing and structuring of biblical laws
Situational or 'external' criterion of cataloguing
'Internal' criterion of cataloguing of the laws
The penal legislation in the book of Numbers
The legislative texts of the book of Numbers : general considerations
The general structure of the book of Numbers
The Organisation of the legislative material of the book of Numbers
"Repetition or Reformulation?" : the Curious Case of Num 35:9-34
The pericope in its literary context : demarcation and structure
The beginning of the pericope
The conclusion of the pericope
The internal articolation of the pericope : a structural hypothesis
Exegetical analysis of Num 35,9-34
Injunction to designate "cities of refuge" (vv. 10b-15)
The meaning of ...
The meaning of ...
The meaning of ... and its specific function in Num 35,9-34
The meaning of the syntagma ...
The interpretation of Num 35,12 and its consequences for the hermeneutics of the whole pericope
The meaning of ...
The meaning of ... and ...
The conclusion of Num 35,15
Determination of the different examples of homicide and their regulation (vv. 16-29)
The particularly wilful case, or malicious murder (vv. 16-21)
The unintentional case, or manslaughter (vv. 22-23)
The key function of Num 35,24
Procedure to be adopted in the case of homicide (vv. 24-29)
Procedural clarifications and theologico-religious conclusion (vv. 30-34)
Procedural clarifications (vv. 30-32)
Theologico-religious conclusion (vv. 33-34)
"From Law to Law" : understanding the novelty of Num 35,9-34 in the light of selected Biblical Criminal Laws
Comparison with thematically related texts
The case of homicide in the mishpat of Ex 21,12-14
The legislation in the cities of refuge in Deut 19,1-13
The relationship between Deut 19,1-13 and Deut 4,41-43
The internal structure of Deut 19,1-13
The introduction of the legislation on the cities of refuge (Deut 19,1-3)
Purpose and demarcation of the area of the validity of the law (Deut 19,4-10)
Regulation of the cases of murder (Deut 19,11-13)
Summary considerations on the legislation of Deut 19,1-13
The legislation on the cities of refuge in Josh 20,1-9
The differences between the Hebrew and the Greek texts of Josh 20,1-9
The proposal of A. Rofé : the Greek text of LXXB is the archetype of Josh 20
The proposal of L. Schmidt : the Grundbestand of the Masoretic Text is the archetype of Josh 20
Conclusions on the interdependence of the four biblical texts analysed
Index of Biblical References (selective)
Authors Index
Subject Index.
Authorized Access Point
Cocco, Francesco, 1975- The Torah as a place of refuge