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The truth about cancer
Bollinger, Ty M. (author)
Illustrative Content
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LCC: RC275 .B65 2016 (Assigner: dlc) (Status: used by assigner)
DDC: 616.99/4 full (Assigner: dlc)(Source: 23)
text (txt)
"One out of three women alive today, and one out of two men, will face a cancer diagnosis, according to the World Health Organization. Ty Bollinger takes this personally: in the course of a decade, he says, "I lost my entire family to cancer. I don't believe I had to lose them." The Truth about Cancer has been written for one simple reason: to share the knowledge we need to protect ourselves, treat ourselves, and in some cases save our lives or the lives of those we love. Bollinger, whose October 2015 documentary miniseries The Truth about Cancer: A Global Quest has received over 5 million views to date, explains that there are many methods we can access to treat and prevent cancer--we just don't know about them. The book delves into the history of medicine--all the way back to Hippocrates's credo of "do no harm"--as well as up-to-the-minute research that proves the efficacy of dozens of advanced cancer treatments being used around the globe. Bollinger arms readers with essential, sometimes startling information about: The history and politics of cancer The takeover of medical education by special interests and for-profit agendas How some life-saving treatments have been kept from the public--and why Treatment options that go well beyond chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery"To us this is not a business, it's a mission," he explains. "We're on a mission to save the world.""-- Provided by publisher.
Table Of Contents
The history of medicine and the politics of cancer. Hippocrates, Jenner, and Pasteur : medicine's beginnings ; The Flexner report : Big Oil's takeover of medicine ; Smoke and mirrors ; Forced vaccines? Forced chemo? Medicine at gunpoint
Cancer diagnosis, detection, causes, and prevention. Cancer basics and statistics ; Cancer causes & Is cancer genetic? ; Detection "dos" and "don'ts" ; How can I prevent cancer?
Successful treatment protocols. Herbal remedies, detoxification, and diet ; Sound, light, electricity, frequency, and heat ; Bio-oxidative therapies ; Treating cancer with viruses and essential oils ; Enzyme and metabolic/mitochondrial therapy
A final word
Authorized Access Point
Bollinger, Ty M. The truth about cancer