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Bibframe Work

Poet Laureate Juan Felipe Herrera reads from his work
United States--Poetry (LCSH)
Mexico--Poetry (LCSH)
Genre Form
Poetry (LCGFT)
LCC: AHLOT0092 (Assigner: dlc) (Status: used by assigner)
spoken word (spw)
Mr. Herrera reads from his following works: Half of the world in light : new and selected poems, Senegal Taxi, and Notes on the assemblage.
Table Of Contents
From Half of the world in light: new and selected poems: Let Us Gather in a Flourishing Way (07:50); Vamos a cantar (10:30); Exiles (12:08); Facegames, Inside the Jacket (16:50); Facegames, Foreign Inhabitant (18:42); Thunderweavers/ Tejedoras de rayos, Xunka (22:16); Thunderweavers/ Tejedoras de rayos, Pascuala (23:42); Thunderweavers/ Tejedoras de rayos, Makal V. (25:10); La plazita (28:01)
From Senegal Taxi: Mud Drawing No. 1 The Village Ant (31:10); Mud Drawing No. 2 The Antonov Bomb (31:50); Mud Drawing No. 3 The Kalashnikov AK-47 (33:07); Mud Drawing No. 5 The Village Fly (34:21); Mud Drawing No. 7 The Village Ant (35:30); Mud Drawing No. 13 Sahel, the Village Girl (36:44); Mud Drawing No. 16 Ibrahim, the Village Boy (37:35); Mud Drawing No. 24 Abdullah, the Village Boy with One Eye (39:02)
From Notes on the Assemblage: It Can Begin with Clouds (41:37); Ayotzinapa (English) (43:28); Ayotzinapa (Spanish) (45:14); You throw a stone (47:32); Poem by poem (48:40) ; Poema por poema (50:42)
Recorded Sep. 11, 2015 at the Library of Congress Recording Laboratory, Washington, D.C.
Authorized Access Point
Herrera, Juan Felipe Poet Laureate Juan Felipe Herrera reads from his work