Bibframe Work
Plaid & calico
Coal smoke, valve oil and steam
Done rovin'
Mean mean son of a gun
Devilish love light
Shadows on the old bayou
Talk gobbler, talk
In my home in Shelby County
Barefoot boy blues
On the banks of the beautiful Nile
It's a long rocky road
Bawlin' baby
Someone's rockin, my broken heart
Rhythm in my baby's walk
First train headin' south
Child's side of life
SS Lureline
All for the love of a girl
The mansion you stole
Two red lips & warm red wine
Broken hearted gypsy
Move down the line
Tennessee jive
I won't forget
Status: changed
Date: 2016-11-09T08:41:00
Generation Process:
Status: changed
Date: 2024-08-03T13:59:35.549554-04:00
Encoding Level: full
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Description Conventions: Anglo-American cataloguing rules
Identified By: bf:Local, 19367522