The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service > BIBFRAME Works

Bibframe Work

7th heaven
Other Titles (e.g. Variant)
Seventh heaven
7th heaven
Seventh heaven
Moving Image
Families of clergy--United States--Drama (LCSH)
Children of clergy--United States--Drama (LCSH)
Spouses of clergy--United States--Drama (LCSH)
Clergy--United States--Drama (LCSH)
Families--United States--Drama (LCSH)
Siblings--United States--Drama (LCSH)
Geographic Coverage
LCC: DVE 0649 (viewing copy) (Assigner: dlc) (Status: used by assigner)
Moving Image Technique(s)
live action
subtitles: : English
original text: : English
language: Closed-captioned.
For minister Eric Camden (Stephen Collins) and his wife Annie (Catherine Hicks), it's a season of romance-- for their children, that is! Mary (Jessica Biel) meets the man of her dreams, even while doing community service. Matt (Barry Watson) has girlfriend, and ex-girfriend problems. And even little man of the house Simon (David Gallagher) discovers how much trouble a hickey can cause. This season also sees Lucy (Beverley Mitchell) taking her first steps toward a life of serving others. And as young Ruthie (Mackenzie Rosman) continues to amaze with all her schemes, there's cause for celebration, the first-year birthday party for the Camden twins, Sam and David!
Table Of Contents
Disc one. Tattle tale heart ; Life is too beautiful ; Yak sada (One voice) ; Come drive with me
Disc two. With honors ; Just you wait and see ; Sin
; And expiation
Disc three. Dirty laundry ; Who nose? ; Forget me not ; All by myself
Disc four. Who do you trust? ; Words ; Loves me, loves me not ; Say a little prayer for me
Disc five. Twelve angry people ; Hoop dreams ; Talk to me
Disc six. Liar, liar ; Love stinks (part 1) ; Love stinks (part 2)
Intended Audience
Rating: Not rated
Authorized Access Point
7th heaven. The fourth season