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Bibframe Work

Robotic head and neck surgery
Otorhinolaryngologic Surgical Procedures--methods (MESH)
Robotic Surgical Procedures--methods (MESH)
Head--surgery (MESH)
Neck--surgery (MESH)
Genre Form
Atlases (LCGFT)
LCC: RF51 (Assigner: dlc) (Status: used by assigner)
NLM: WV 17 (Assigner: dnlm) (Status: not used by assigner)
DDC: 617.5/1059 full (Assigner: dlc)(Source: 23)
text (txt)
Table Of Contents
Oropharyngeal anatomy and radical tonsillectomy / Neerav Goyal, Frederick Yoo, and David Goldenberg
Base of tongue resection and hypopharyngeal anatomy / Aaron Baker, Neerav Goyal, and David Goldenberg
Parapharyngeal space anatomy and dissection / Daniel Clayburg and Umamaheswar Duvvuri
Anatomy of the trans-oral robotic retropharyngeal node dissection / Hetal H. Patel and Neerav Goyal
Nasopharyngeal anatomy and approaches to the nasopharynx / Irina Chaikhoutdinov and David Goldenberg
Robotic supraglottic anatomy and laryngectomy technique / Ryan Li and Jeremy J. Richmon
Robotic-assisted thyroidectomy and parathyroidectomy : transaxillary approach / Salah Eldin Mohamed, Nuha Al-Saleh, Daniah Bu Ali, and Emad Kandil
Surgical anatomy of robotic facelift thyroidectomy / Katrina Chaung, William S. Duke, and David J. Terris
Robotic-assisted neck dissection / Hung Kwon Beyon and Yoon Woo Koh
Authorized Access Point
Robotic head and neck surgery