Bibframe Work
From an essay on the first principles of government / Joseph Priestley
"Of national education" / William Godwin
From the sphere and duties of government / Wilhelm von Humboldt
"Shall the state educate the people?" / Thomas Hodgskin
From "on the proper sphere of government" / Herbert Spencer
"The principle of state education" / Edward Baines, Jr
"On the progress and efficiency of voluntary education in england" / Edward Baines, Jr
"A letter to the most noble the marquis of lansdowne, president of the council on the government plan of education" / Edward Baines, Jr
"On the non-interference of the government with popular education" / Edward Miall
"The connection of religion with popular education" / Algernon Wells
"On the parties responsible for the education of the people" / Richard Winter Hamilton
Reasons against government interference in education / Anonymous
"The persecution of the child by the state" / A.E. Hake and O.E. Wesslau
"State education: a help or hindrance?" / Auberon Herbert
"Some socialist and anarchist views of education" / Benjamin R. Tucker
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Date: 2021-11-26T16:12:59
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