Bibframe Work
TitleThe HuntersTypeMoving ImageMonographContributionPuttock, Heather (television producer)Ganatra, Nisha Kumari (television director)Schechter, Jeffrey Alan (screenwriter)Amell, Robbie, 1988- (actor)PenaVega, Alexa, 1988- (actor)Forbes, Michelle, 1965- (actor)Garber, Victor (actor)Williamson, Joshua (contributor)ARC Entertainment (Firm) (presenter film distributor)Raindance Entertainment (presenter) Notesubtitles: : Englishlanguage: In English; closed-captioned. SummaryWhen brothers Paxton and Tripp Flynn try to locate their missing parents, they learn their family is part of a secret society known as the Hunters, sworn to protect artifacts from lore and legend like Snow White's magic mirror from an evil force known as the Krugen. Joining with another Hunter--who happens to be Paxton's ex-girlfriend--the brothers seek to save their parents and the mirror from a former Hunter turned Krugen.Intended AudienceMPAA rating: PG; action/violenceDurationPT89MOrigin Date(s)2013 Authorized Access PointThe Hunters