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Bibframe Work

Lo que trajo el mar, crónicas
Genre Form
Fiction (LCGFT)
LCC: PQ7409.3.B335 L67 2017 (Assigner: dlc) (Status: used by assigner)
text (txt)
Chronicles. "Frank Báez (1978) is a Dominican poet, editor, and writer. His collection of stories Págales tú a los psicoanalistas won the 2006 Santo Domingo Book Fair First Prize for short stories. His poetry collection Postales also won the National Poetry Prize Salomé Ureña in 2009. He has also published Llegó el fin del mundo a mi barrio y Este es el futuro que estabas esperando. In nonfiction he has published the compliation of chronicles of observations on his participation in book fairs, La Trilogía de los Festivales (2016). He is the editor of the journal, Global y coeditor of the poetry journal Ping Pong. Junto a Homero Pumarol founded the spoken word collective, El Hombrecito that has produced two dics and a DVD. Baez was selected as one of the 39 best fiction writers under 40 years old in Latin America by the Hay Festival, Bogotá 39-2017"
Authorized Access Point
Báez, Frank, 1978- Lo que trajo el mar, crónicas