The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service > BIBFRAME Works

Bibframe Work

The best of Love Unlimited
LCC: SDD 30922 (Assigner: dlc) (Status: used by assigner)
DDC: 782.421644 full (Source: 23)
DDC: 781.66 full
Supplementary Content
history of performer or ensemble (performerhistory)
historical information (historicalinfo)
performed music (prm)
Table Of Contents
Under the influence of love
It may be winter outside (but in my heart it's spring)
Oh, love, we finally made it
Move me no mountain
I needed love-you were there
I can't let him down
High steppin' hip dressin' fella (you got it together)
I'm so glad that I'm a woman
If you want me, say it
Walking in the rain (with the one I love)
Fragile-handle with care
Lovin' you, that's all I'm after
I belong to you
Share a little love in your heart
I guess I'm just another girl in love
Gotta be where you are
He's all I've got
Previously released material: p1972-p1979.
Authorized Access Point
Love Unlimited (Musical group) The best of Love Unlimited