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Project Management and Engineering Research
Ayuso Muñoz, José Luis (Editor)
Capuz-Rizo, Salvador F (Editor)
Yagüe Blanco, José Luis (Editor)
DDC: 670 full (Source: 23)
This book gathers the best papers presented at the 19th International Congress on Project Management and Engineering, which was held in Granada, Spain in July 2015. It covers a range of project management and engineering contexts, including: civil engineering and urban planning, product and process engineering, environmental engineering, energy efficiency and renewable energies, rural development, information and communication technologies, safety, labour risks and ergonomics, and training in project engineering. Project management and engineering is taking on increasing importance as projects continue to grow in size, more stakeholders become involved, and environmental, organisational and technological issues become more complex. As such, this book offers a valuable resource for all professionals seeking the latest material on the changing face of project management.
Table Of Contents
Part I: Project Management
Chapter 1. Comprehensive Reorganization of Project Management: A Case Study
Part II: Civil Engineering, Urbanism and Urban Planning. Building and Architecture
Chapter 2. The Dilemma of Innovation in the Construction Company: A Decade of Lessons Learned
Part III: Product and Process Engineering and Industrial Design
Chapter 3. Study on the Influence of Fresh White Cheese Packaging Design Variables on Users' Perception
Chapter 4. Study, Design, Development and Construction of a Linear Tribometer for Testing Human Skin
Chapter 5. 3D Myocardial Modelling by Computational Geometry Techniques. Analysing Performance
Part IV: Environmental Engineering and Natural Resource Management
Chapter 6. Study of the Energy Recovery of the Reject Materials from Municipal Solid Waste Treatment Plants in Spain
Chapter 7. Review of Options for Solving Problems of Frazil Ice in Industrial Water Intakes
Chapter 8. Environmental Behaviour of an Element of the Construction Sector
Chapter 9. Identification and Measurement of Complementarity Variables in Strategic Projects of Water Irrigation from the Sustainability Practices. Case: Republic of Ecuador
Part V: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energies
Chapter 10. Aging Model for Re-used Electric Vehicle Batteries in Second Life Stationary Applications
Chapter 11.Assessing the Energy Saving Potential for Building Stock and Choice of Rehabilitation Strategy by a Multicriteria System
Chapter 12. Adapting Buildings to the Current CTE-DB-HE: A Single-family Housing Development in Logroño (La Rioja)
Chapter 13. Geographic Information System for Optimization and Integration of Photovoltaic Solar Energy in Agricultural Areas with Energy Deficiency and Water Scarcity
Part VI: Rural Development and Development Co-Operation Projects
Chapter 14. Guadua angustifolia as a Structural Material for Greenhouse Design
Part VII: IT and Communications. Software Engineering
Chapter 15. Evaluation of the State of Cutting Tools According to Its Texture Using LOSIB and LBP Variants
Part VIII: Safety, Labour Risks and Ergonomics
Chapter 16.SAFEBUS: A New Active Safety System for Pedestrian Detection in Public Passenger Buses
Part IX: Training in Project Engineering
Chapter 17. Implementation of BIM in the subject Technical Industrial Projects - Degree in Industrial Technologies Engineering - University of Valladolid
Chapter 18. Technological Immersion in Industrial Engineering for a Project Management Course to Develop Dual Use Technology
Chapter 19. Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Project-based Learning to Acquire Competencies in Project Management.
Authorized Access Point
Project Management and Engineering Research