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Bibframe Work

Project management
LCC: HD69.P75 (Assigner: dlc) (Status: used by assigner)
DDC: 658.4/04 full (Assigner: dlc)(Source: 23)
Supplementary Content
"Growth and new developments in project management continue to accelerate in our society, in practice, and in our research publications. Beyond the attention previously (and still) paid to project management, program management, project portfolios, project maturity, project management offices (PMOs), Agile, and other such project issues, we are now seeing attention also directed to billion-dollar "mega-projects", inter-organizational project management, project governance, strategic projects, benefit realization, the duties of the project sponsor, the meaning of executive commitment, and other such issues. Projects are getting much more sophisticated and complex, involving multiple organizations and billions of dollars. And even though our knowledge of how to successfully execute standard projects has resulted in much better success rates in practice, the rates of success for less traditional projects, such as strategic and multi-organizational projects, are still poor. Part of the reason for this is just now becoming clear-- that "projects", as we've known them, are only the middle portion of a set of activities involving the recognition of a need, the selection of a project to meet it, designing a governance structure for the project, executing the project, and the tasks needed to ensureing the benefits of the project are realized. These ancillary activities are now also being heavily focused on and we hope to thereby see better success rates for our these strategic and more complex projects."-- Provided by publisher.
Authorized Access Point
Meredith, Jack R. Project management