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Bibframe Work

Erasmus and his books
Erasmus, Desiderius, -1536--Library. (LCSH)
Erasmus, Desiderius, -1536--Library--Catalogs. (LCSH)
Erasmus, Desiderius, -1536--Books and reading. (LCSH)
Gulik, Egbertus van, 1910-1998
Erasmus, Desiderius, -1536
Erasmus, Desiderius, -1536--Library. (NLI)
Erasmus, Desiderius, -1536--Library--Catalogs. (NLI)
Erasmus, Desiderius, -1536--Books and reading. (NLI)
Gulik, Egbertus van, 1910-1998
United States--New York (State)--Buffalo,
Great Britain--England--London,
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Genre Form
Illustrative Content
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LCC: B785.E64 G8513 2018 (Assigner: dlc) (Status: used by assigner)
LCC: B785.E64 G8513 2018 (Assigner: no2004037399) (Status: used by assigner)
DDC: 199/.492 full (Source: 23)
cci1icc (Source: lacc)
coll13 (Source: lacc)
Supplementary Content
bibliography (bibliography)
index (index)
text (txt)
Includes translation or is translation
original text: : Dutch
language: In English translated from Dutch.
"What became of Erasmus' books? The most famous scholar of his day died in peaceful prosperity and in the company of celebrated and responsible friends. His zeal for useful books was insatiable. Indeed, he had taken care to insure that after his death they would pass to an appreciative noble owner, yet after his death their fate was unknown. Erasmus and His Books provides the most comprehensive evidence available about the books of Erasmus of Rotterdam - the books he owned and his attitude towards them, when and how he acquired them, how he housed, used, and cared for them, and how, from time to time, he disposed of them. Part 1 details the formation, growth, scope, and arrangement of Erasmus' library and opens the door to a new understanding of the more intimate side of his daily life as a scholar at home with his books, friends, publishers, and booksellers. Part 2 presents a carefully annotated catalogue, the Versandliste, of the more than 400 books in Erasmus' possession at one point. Drawing upon his command of bibliographical data and his extensive knowledge of Erasmus' correspondence and related records, Egbertus van Gulik proposes as precise an identification of each of the titles as the evidence will allow."-- Provided by publisher
Table Of Contents
Foreword / by James K. McConica
Part one. The history and nature of Erasmus' working library: The formation and growth of the library
The disposal and replacement of books
The housing and arrangement of the collection
Maintenance and binding
What the Versandsliste does not include
Erasmus and the book: the humanist at work
Part two. The Versandliste of Erasmus' library in 1536: an annotated catalogue
Appendix I. Catalogus librorum Erasmi
Appendix II. Books found in Erasmus' correspondence
Authorized Access Point
Gulik, Egbertus van, 1910-1998 Erasmus and his books