The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service > BIBFRAME Works

Bibframe Work

Moving Image
Supernatural--Drama (LCSH)
Parapsychology--Drama (LCSH)
Murder--Drama (LCSH)
LCC: DVE 6178 (viewing copy) (Assigner: dlc) (Status: used by assigner)
Moving Image Technique(s)
live action
The international cult phenomenon that is positively Hitchcockian, with a liberal dose of the supernatural. Witches, serial killers, ghosts, con-artists, Satanists, and terrorists are just some of the villains involved in the outlandish plots, the unexpected twists, and the even more surprising endings
Table Of Contents
Disc 1: Lady killer / written by Brian Clemens ; directed by Bill Hays
Possession / written by Brian Clemens ; directed by John Cooper
Someone at the top of the stairs / written by Brian Clemens ; directed by John Sichel. Disc 2: An echo of Theresa / written by Brian Clemens ; directed by Peter Jefferies
The colour of blood / written by Brian Clemens ; directed by Robert Tronson
Murder in mind / written by Brian Clemens ; directed by Alan Gibson. Disc 3: A place to die / written by Brian Clemens ; directed by Peter Jefferies
File it under fear / written by Brian Clemens ; directed by Bill Hays
The eyes have it / written by Brian Clemens ; directed by Shaun O'Riordan. Disc 4: Spell of evil / written by Brian Clemens ; directed by John Sichel.
Origin Date(s)
Authorized Access Point
Thriller. The complete season one