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Bibframe Work

Development of linguistic linked open data resources for collaborative data-intensive research in the language sciences
Language and languages--Research (LCSH)
Language and languages--Study and teaching (LCSH)
Linked data (LCSH)
Illustrative Content
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Supplementary Content
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"This book confronts the challenges necessary to make wide and diverse data in linguistics and the language sciences open, distributed, integrated and accessible, thus fostering wide data sharing and collaboration. It collects reports by international scholars of current advancements in various components of the technology and conceptual foundations of Linked Open Data in Linguistics (LLOD); and integrates these with reports by researchers producing complex language data, content which requires an infrastructure for data sharing and cross-linguistic collaboration in order to address advanced scientific questions in the field. Twenty four scholars are represented. Acquisition of multilingualism is used as an example. In this way this book begins to build a community at the interface of specific research needs in the language sciences and operative LOD engineering, merging the social and technical aspects necessary to advancing the vision of LLOD in linguistics and the language sciences. Although there are volumes in the field available now on data, big data, and LOD and to a lesser degree, on LLOD (linguistic linked open data), there are none that combine both the work of the language researcher and that of the technical LOD researcher and attempt to integrate these. Furthermore, to some degree, the work of European scholars in this domain has not received significant dissemination in the US, before this volume"-- Provided by publisher.
Table Of Contents
Development of Linguistic Linked Open Data Resources for Collaborative Data-Intensive Research in the Language Sciences: An Introduction / Barbara C. Lust, María Blume, Antonio Pareja-Lora, and Christian Chiarcos
1. Open Data/Linked Data/Linked Open Data/Linguistic Linked Open Data (LLOD): A General Introduction / Christian Chiarcos and Antonio Pareja-Lora
2. Whither GOLD? / Terry Langendoen
3. Management, Sustainability, and Interoperability of Linguistic Annotations / Nancy Ide
4. Linguistic Linked Open Data and under-Resourced Languages: From Collection to Application / Steven Moran and Christian Chiarcos
5. A Data Category Repository for Language Resources / Kara Warburton and Sue Ellen Wright
6. Describing Research Data with CMDI/Challenges to Establish Contact with Linked Open Data / Thorsten Trippel and Claus Zinn
7. Expressing Language Resource Metadata as Linked Data: The Case of the Open Language Archives Community / Gary Simons and Steven Bird
8. TalkBank Resources for Psycholinguistic Analysis and Clinical Practice / Nan Bernstein Ratner and Brian MacWhinney
9. Enabling New Collaboration and Research Capabilities in Language Sciences: Management of Language Acquisition Data and Metadata with the Data Transcription and Analysis Tool / María Blume, Antonio Pareja-Lora, Suzanne Flynn, Claire Foley, Ted Caldwell, James Reidy, Jonathan Masci, and Barbara Lust
10. Challenges for the Development of Linked Open Data for Research in Multilingualism / María Blume, Isabelle Barrière, Cristina Dye, and Carissa Kang
11. Research Libraries as Partners in Ensuring the Sustainability of Escience Collaborations / Oya Rieger
Authorized Access Point
Development of linguistic linked open data resources for collaborative data-intensive research in the language sciences