Bibframe Work
Development of Linguistic Linked Open Data Resources for Collaborative Data-Intensive Research in the Language Sciences: An Introduction / Barbara C. Lust, María Blume, Antonio Pareja-Lora, and Christian Chiarcos
1. Open Data/Linked Data/Linked Open Data/Linguistic Linked Open Data (LLOD): A General Introduction / Christian Chiarcos and Antonio Pareja-Lora
2. Whither GOLD? / Terry Langendoen
3. Management, Sustainability, and Interoperability of Linguistic Annotations / Nancy Ide
4. Linguistic Linked Open Data and under-Resourced Languages: From Collection to Application / Steven Moran and Christian Chiarcos
5. A Data Category Repository for Language Resources / Kara Warburton and Sue Ellen Wright
6. Describing Research Data with CMDI/Challenges to Establish Contact with Linked Open Data / Thorsten Trippel and Claus Zinn
7. Expressing Language Resource Metadata as Linked Data: The Case of the Open Language Archives Community / Gary Simons and Steven Bird
8. TalkBank Resources for Psycholinguistic Analysis and Clinical Practice / Nan Bernstein Ratner and Brian MacWhinney
9. Enabling New Collaboration and Research Capabilities in Language Sciences: Management of Language Acquisition Data and Metadata with the Data Transcription and Analysis Tool / María Blume, Antonio Pareja-Lora, Suzanne Flynn, Claire Foley, Ted Caldwell, James Reidy, Jonathan Masci, and Barbara Lust
10. Challenges for the Development of Linked Open Data for Research in Multilingualism / María Blume, Isabelle Barrière, Cristina Dye, and Carissa Kang
11. Research Libraries as Partners in Ensuring the Sustainability of Escience Collaborations / Oya Rieger
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Date: 2022-03-08T10:19:28
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