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Bibframe Work

Harry Potter and the goblet of fire
Moving Image
Potter, Harry (Fictitious character)--Drama. (LCSH)
Potter, Harry (Fictitious character)
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Imaginary organization)--Drama (LCSH)
Students--Drama (LCSH)
Contests--Drama (LCSH)
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Imaginary organization)
LCC: DVA 2638 (viewing copy) (Assigner: dlc) (Status: used by assigner)
Moving Image Technique(s)
live action
Includes translation or is translation
original text: : English
subtitles: : English
subtitles: : German
subtitles: : Italian
subtitles: : French
subtitles: : Spanish
subtitles: : Catalan
subtitles: : Chinese
subtitles: : Danish
subtitles: : Dutch
subtitles: : Finnish
subtitles: : Japanese
subtitles: : Korean
subtitles: : Norwegian
subtitles: : Portuguese
subtitles: : Swedish
original text: : English
language: English, German, and Italian subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing (SDH); audio in English, French, Spanish, Catalan, Danish, Dutch, Flemish, German, Italian, Japanese, or Swedish; with optional subtitles in English, French, Spanish, Catalan, Chinese, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Portuguese, or Swedish.
Harry's fourth year at Hogwarts is marked by the Quidditch World Cup and the Triwizard Tournament, in which student representatives from three different wizarding schools compete in a series of increasingly challenging contests. However, Voldemort's Death Eaters are gaining strength and create the Dark Mark - giving evidence that the Dark Lord is ready to rise again. In the unsuspecting lives of the students at Hogwarts, the competitors are selected by the goblet of fire, which this year makes a very surprising announcement: Hogwarts will have two representatives in the tournament, including Harry. Now Harry has to rise to the challenge for the Tri Wizard Tournament while keeping up with school
Origin Date(s)
Authorized Access Point
Harry Potter and the goblet of fire