The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service > BIBFRAME Works

Bibframe Work

Theatre music
Other Titles (e.g. Variant)
Theatre music
Musique de théâtre (French parallel title on container)
Bühnenmusik (German parallel title on container)
Accompanying Material
Sung or spoken text: English
Librettos: English
Librettos: French
Librettos: German
Accompanying material: English
Accompanying material: French
Accompanying material: German
LCC: 1LP 12497 (Assigner: dlc) (Status: used by assigner)
Supplementary Content
libretto or text (libretto)
biography of creator (creatorbio)
technical information on music (techmusic)
historical information (historicalinfo)
performed music (prm)
original libretto: : English
accompanying material: : English
Table Of Contents
Overture in D minor, Z. 771 (2:46)
King Richard the Second, Z. 581. Retir'd from any mortal's sight (2:57)
Sir Barnaby Whigg, or No wit like a women's, Z. 589. Blow, Boreas, blow (3:40)
Sophonisba, or Hannibal's overthrow, Z. 590. Beneath the poplar's shadow (1:46)
The English lawyer, Z. 594. My wife has a tongue (1:23)
A fool's preferment, or The three dukes of Dunstable, Z. 571 (8:48). I sigh'd, and I pin'd ; There's nothing so fatal as woman ; Fled is my love ; 'Tis death alone ; I'll mount to yon blue Coelum ; I'll sail upon the Dog-star ; Jenny, 'gin you can love ; If thou wilt give me back my love
The Indian emperor, or The conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards. I look'd and saw within (2:02)
The Knight of Malta, Z. 599. At the close of the evn'ning (1:28)
A dialogue between Thyrsis and Daphne, Z. 525. Why, my Daphne, why complaining? (3:34)
The wife's excuse, or Cuckolds make themselves, Z. 612 (6:23). Ingrateful love ; Hang this whining way of wooing ; Say, cruel Amoret ; Corinna, I excuse thy face
Cleomenes, the Spartan hero, Z. 576. No, no, poor suff'ring heart (2:56)
Regulus, or the faction of Carthage, Z. 586. Ah me! to many deaths (3:11)
The marriage-hater match'd, Z. 602 (3:57). As soon as the chaos ; How vile are the sordid intregues.
Temporal Coverage
Authorized Access Point
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695 Theatre music. Vol. VII