The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service > BIBFRAME Works

Bibframe Work

Chants liturgiques bulgares
Other Titles (e.g. Variant)
Grande liturgie bulgare (Title from container)
Grande liturgie orthodoxe bulgare (Title from back of container)
Grande liturgie orthodoxe slave (Additional title on disc label)
Accompanying Material
Sung or spoken text: Church Slavic
Accompanying material: French
LCC: 1LP 11440 (Assigner: dlc) (Status: used by assigner)
Supplementary Content
biography of creator (creatorbio)
technical information on music (techmusic)
historical information (historicalinfo)
performed music (prm)
language: Sung in Church Slavic.
Table Of Contents
Dostoino est / [arr.] Atanas [that is, Anastas] Nikolov (3:10)
Herouvimska pessen / [arr.] Nikolaï Ivanovitch Kompaneïski (9:30)
Vo tsarstvij tvoem / [arr.] Dobri Christov (3:10)
Blajeny iaje izbral / [arr.] Alexandre Tikhonovitch Gretchaninov (6:55)
Milost myra / [arr.] Nikolaï Ivanovitch Kompaneïski (7:15)
Herouvimska ; Iako da tsara / Dobri Christov (8:50)
Kondak : za Rojdestvo Christovo "Deva Dness" / [arr.] Dmitri Stepanovitch Bortnianski (2:10)
Blagoobrazny Yossif / Nikolaï Bakhmetev (2:15)
Tebe poem / [arr.] Nikolaï Ivanovitch Kompaneïski (7:35).
Authorized Access Point
Chants liturgiques bulgares