Bibframe Work
Introduction : implementing an ecological systems approach to basin-wide management / Lynton K. Caldwell
The ecosystem approach : a strategy for management of renewable resources in the Great Lakes Basin / R.L. Thomas ... [et al.]
The Great Lakes, 1955-1985 / Leonard B. Dworsky
Institutional arrangements for Great Lakes management / Michael A. Donahue
A governance structure designed to learn would better protect the Great Lakes ecosystem / Lester W. Milbrath
Remediation and rehabilitation of the Great Lakes / Henry Regier
Biodancing : the 1-2-3 of Great Lakes monitoring / Bruce L. Bandurski
The Great Lakes as a water resource : questions of ownership and control / Julia R. Wilder : Great Lakes diversion / Sally Cole-Misch
Toward a more accountable process : the Royal Society-National Research Council report / Don. Munton
Great Lakes governance and the ecosystem approach / George R. Francis
Appendices: Treaty between the United States and Great Britain (1909). Agreement on Great Lakes water quality (1978). The Great Lakes charter, adopted by governors and premiers (1985)
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Date: 2005-09-07T09:05:38
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