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Bibframe Work

California gold rush voyages, 1848-1849
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LCC: F865 .P67 (Assigner: dlc) (Status: used by assigner)
text (txt)
Table Of Contents
Ellis, C. H. Journal of a voyage from Boston, Mass. to San Francisco, California in the brig North Bend, Capt. Higgins.
Stone, J. N. Brief notes of a Cape Horn voyage in 1849.
California (Steamship) Journal of a voyage from New York to Panama via Rio, Valparaiso, Callao & Peyta onboard the U.S. mail steam ship California commanded by Cleveland Forbes, A.D. 1848. Journal of a voyage from San Francisco to Panama via Montery, Santa Barbara, San Diego, Mazetlan, San Blas & Acapulco, 1849; stemer California, C. Forbes, master.
Authorized Access Point
Pomfret, John E. (John Edwin), 1898-1981 California gold rush voyages, 1848-1849