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Bibframe Work

Arturo Toscanini dirige Richard Wagner
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LCC: Fonit Cetra DOC 17 (Assigner: dlc) (Status: used by assigner)
Supplementary Content
historical information
Table Of Contents
La walkiria. Cavalcata delle walkirie
Il crepuscolo degli dei. Morte di Sigfrido ; e, Marcia funebre
I maestri cantori di Norimberga. Preludio atto I
I crepuscolo degli dei. Viaggio di Sigfrido su Reno
Tristano e Isotta. Preludio ; e, Morte di Isotta
Tannhäuser. Ouverture ; e, Baccanale
Lohengrin. Preludio atto III ; Preludio atto I
Sigfrido. Mormorio della foresta
Idillio di Sigfrido : per piccola orchestra.
Date: 1952-11-08 Place: Geography. Anthropology. Recreation
Date: 1953-02-07 Place: Geography. Anthropology. Recreation
Date: 1953-03-07 Place: Geography. Anthropology. Recreation
Date: 1954-04-04 Place: Geography. Anthropology. Recreation
Recorded at performances Nov. 8, 1952, Feb. 7, 1953, Mar. 7, 1953, and Apr. 4, 1954, in New York.
instrumental: orchestra
instrumental: chamber orchestra
Authorized Access Point
Wagner, Richard, 1813-1883 Arturo Toscanini dirige Richard Wagner