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Bibframe Work

La música en la corte de Jaime 1 (1209-1276)
Latin (lat)
Accompanying Material
Sung or spoken text: Latin
Sung or spoken text: Provençal (to 1500)
Sung or spoken text: French, Old (ca. 842-1300)
Librettos: Latin
Librettos: Provençal (to 1500)
Librettos: French, Old (ca. 842-1300)
Accompanying material: Spanish
Geographic Coverage
LCC: (Assigner: dlc) (Status: used by assigner)
Supplementary Content
libretto or text (libretto)
history of performer or ensemble (performerhistory)
historical information (historicalinfo)
performed music (prm)
language: Sung in Latin, (old) Provençal, and (old) French.
Table Of Contents
Ad honorem : motete / anonymous (chirimías, tamboril, fídula, rota, flauta aguda, crumhorn) (1:25)
Nativitas Mariae Virginis : conductus / anonymous (tenor, bass, tenor recorder, gemshorn) (3:39)
A la clarté/Et illuminare : motete / anonymous (tenor, lute, tenor recorder, crumhorn) (2:04)
Sospitati : tropo / anonymous (tenor, bass, psaltery, fídula, rota, lute, crumhorns) (2:00)
Agnus-Crimina tollis : tropo / anonymous (basses, lute, fídula, rota, recorders, crumhorns) (3:49)
Alleluia-Personet nostra iocunda : secuécia / anonymous (tenor, campanas, harp, recorders) (2:17)
O Maria/Domino : motete francés / anonymous (recorders, crumhorn, bagpipe, fídula, lute) (2:14)
Veri floris : conductus / anonymous (tenor, bass, recorders, psaltery, bagpipe, fídula) (1:26)
Ductia : danza de origen provenzal / anonymous (recorder, crumhorn, psaltery, fídula, rota, sistrum) (1:03)
Pos li dous consire : canción de trovador / anonymous (tenor, bass, recorder, crumhorn, chirimía, fídula, rota, lute, nakers) (2:32)
Je n'aimerae/In seculum : motete / anonymous (tenor, bass, recorder, bagpipe, psaltery, chirimía, fídula, rota, lute) (2:22)
Ar mi posc : canción (trovad.) / Peire Cardenal (bass, lute, recorder, fídula, rota) (3:05)
Amors merce no sia : canción de goliardo / anonymous (tenor, chorus, crumhorn, recorder, chirimía, psaltery, fídula, rota, percussion) (1:59)
Si ay perdut mon saber : canció (trovad.) / Ponç d'Ortafà (tenor, soprano and tenor recorders, drums, rota) (2:01)
Ara lausetz : canción de goliardo / anonymous (tenor, bass, soprano recorder, espasa, crotales, chirimía, fídula, rota, tamboril) (1:39)
Cant de la : representación litúrgica / anonymous (tenor, chorus, campanas, fídula, rota, harp) (3:49)
Gaudeat devotio fidelium : motete / anonymous (chrimías, nakers, fídula, bass crumhorn) (1:23)
Tant suy marritz : "planctu" por la muerte de Jaime I / Berenguer de Palou (tenor, lute, rota, bass crumhorn) (3:12).
Temporal Coverage
Authorized Access Point
La música en la corte de Jaime 1 (1209-1276)