Bibframe Work
Introductory memoir, by D.E. Nineham.
The Septuagintal background to the New Testament use of doxo-, by L.H. Brockington.
The appearances of the risen Christ: an essay in form-criticism of the Gospels, by C.H. Dodd.
The central section of St. Luke's Gospel, by C.F. Evans.
On dispensing with Q, by A.M. Farrer.
Paul and Mark, by J.C. Fenton.
The Epistle to the Hebrews and the Lucan writings, by C.P.M. Jones.
The Gentile mission in Mark and Mark 13:9-11, by G.D. Kilpatrick.
The Holy Spirit in the writings of St. Luke, by G.W.H. Lampe.
Sacrament and common meal, by D.M. MacKinnon.
Realized eschatology and the Messianic secret, by T.W. Manson.
The order of events in St. Mark's Gospel; an examination of Dr. Dodd's hypothesis, by D.E. Nineham.
The doctrine of the divine Fatherhood in the Gospels, by H.F.D. Sparks
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Date: 2016-06-03T15:07:08
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