Bibframe Work
Book 1. Goll & his illustrators
Book 2. The magic circles, translated by Claire Goll & Eric Sellin, illustrated by Fernand Léger
Book 3. Elegy of Ihpetonga, translated by Babette Deutsch, Louise Bogan & Claire Goll, illustrated by Pablo Picasso
Book 4. The myth of the pierced rock, translated by Louise Bogan, illustrated by Yves Tanguy
Book 5. Multiple woman, translated by Francis Carmody, illustrated by Jean Arp.
Status: changed
Date: 2019-12-23T12:24:57
Description Modifier: United States, Library of Congress
Generation Process:
Status: changed
Date: 2024-08-09T07:27:11.235052-04:00
Encoding Level: full not examined
Description Level:
Description Conventions: Descriptive cataloging of rare materials (Books)
Identified By: bf:Local, 9856606
Non-rendered Predicates: bflc:marcKey