. "Mason, Janeen I." . . . . . . "Berkes, Marianne Collins Going around the sun" . . . "Day, Jan, 1943- Kissimmee Pete and the hurricane" . . . "Day, Jan, 1943- Kissimmee Pete, cracker cow hunter" . . . "Day, Jan, 1943- Pirate Pink and treasures of the reef" . . . "Day, Jan, 1943- The pirate, Pink" . . . "Day, Jan, 1943- The world's greatest explorer" . . . "Denver, John John Denver's For baby (for Bobbie)" . . . "Mason, Janeen I. Gift of the magpie" . . . "Mason, Janeen I. Ocean commotion" . . . "Mason, Janeen I. Ocean commotion" . . . "Mason, Janeen I. Ocean commotion" . . . "Swinney, Geoff Fish facts" .