. "Frye, Northrop" . . . "1912-07-14"^^ . "1991-01-23"^^ . _:b12iddOtlocdOtgovrwoagentsn50000248 . _:b12iddOtlocdOtgovrwoagentsn50000248 . _:b12iddOtlocdOtgovrwoagentsn50000248 . . "Victoria College (Toronto, Ont.)" . _:b18iddOtlocdOtgovrwoagentsn50000248 . _:b18iddOtlocdOtgovrwoagentsn50000248 . _:b18iddOtlocdOtgovrwoagentsn50000248 . . "Royal Society of Canada" . _:b24iddOtlocdOtgovrwoagentsn50000248 . _:b24iddOtlocdOtgovrwoagentsn50000248 . _:b24iddOtlocdOtgovrwoagentsn50000248 "Companion of the Order of Canada" . _:b28iddOtlocdOtgovrwoagentsn50000248 . _:b28iddOtlocdOtgovrwoagentsn50000248 . _:b28iddOtlocdOtgovrwoagentsn50000248 . _:b28iddOtlocdOtgovrwoagentsn50000248 "Sherbrooke (Québec)" . . . "College teachers" . . . "English teachers" . . . "Critics" . . . . "Adamson, Joseph, 1950- Northrop Frye" . . . "Ayre, John Northrop Frye" . . . "Bates, Ronald, 1924- Northrop Frye" . . . "Centre and labyrinth" . . . "Centre and labyrinth" . . . "Cook, David, 1946- Northrop Frye" . . . "Cotrupi, Caterina Nella, 1953- Northrop Frye and the poetics of process" . . . "Denham, Robert D. Northrop Frye and critical method" . . . "Denham, Robert D. The Northrop Frye handbook" . . . "Dueck, Calvin, 1961- A critical analysis of Northrop Frye's reading, and structure of the Bible" . . . "Dyrkjøb, Jan Ulrik, 1944- Northrop Fryes litteraturteori" . . . "Educating the imagination" . . . "English Institute Romanticism reconsidered" . . . "Feltracco, Daniela Northrop Frye" . . . "Frye, Northrop A glorious and terrible life with you" . . . "Frye, Northrop A natural perspective" . . . "Frye, Northrop A natural perspective; the development of Shakespearean comedy and romance" . . . "Frye, Northrop A study of English romanticism" . . . "Frye, Northrop A world in a grain of sand" . . . "Frye, Northrop Anatomy of criticism" . . . "Frye, Northrop Anatomy of criticism" . . . "Frye, Northrop Anatomy of criticism" . . . "Frye, Northrop Anaṭomyah shel biḳoret" . . . "Frye, Northrop Biblical and classical myths" . . . "Frye, Northrop Blake" . . . "Frye, Northrop Collected works of Northrop Frye" . . . "Frye, Northrop Collected works of Northrop Frye" . . . "Frye, Northrop Creation and recreation" . . . "Frye, Northrop Cultura e miti del nostro tempo" . . . "Frye, Northrop Divisions on a ground" . . . "Frye, Northrop Fables of identity" . . . "Frye, Northrop Fearful symmetry" . . . "Frye, Northrop Fearful symmetry" . . . "Frye, Northrop Five essays on Milton's epics" . . . "Frye, Northrop Fools of time" . . . "Frye, Northrop Hihyō no kaibō" . . . "Frye, Northrop Il grande codice" . . . "Frye, Northrop Myth and metaphor" . . . "Frye, Northrop No uncertain sounds" . . . "Frye, Northrop Northrop Frye" . . . "Frye, Northrop Northrop Frye in conversation" . . . "Frye, Northrop Northrop Frye on culture and literature" . . . "Frye, Northrop Northrop Frye unbuttoned" . . . "Frye, Northrop Northrop Frye's Writings on Shakespeare and the Renaissance" . . . "Frye, Northrop On education" . . . "Frye, Northrop On education" . . . "Frye, Northrop On teaching literature" . . . "Frye, Northrop Reading the world" . . . "Frye, Northrop Shakespeares Vollendung" . . . "Frye, Northrop Some reflections on Life and habit" . . . "Frye, Northrop Spiritus mundi" . . . "Frye, Northrop T. S. Eliot" . . . "Frye, Northrop T. S. Eliot" . . . "Frye, Northrop T. S. Eliot" . . . "Frye, Northrop The bush garden" . . . "Frye, Northrop The bush garden" . . . "Frye, Northrop The critical path" . . . "Frye, Northrop The double vision" . . . "Frye, Northrop The educated imagination" . . . "Frye, Northrop The educated imagination" . . . "Frye, Northrop The eternal act of creation" . . . "Frye, Northrop The great code" . . . "Frye, Northrop The great code" . . . "Frye, Northrop The great code" . . . "Frye, Northrop The modern century" . . . "Frye, Northrop The myth of deliverance" . . . "Frye, Northrop The myth of deliverance" . . . "Frye, Northrop The Northrop Frye quote book" . . . "Frye, Northrop The practical imagination" . . . "Frye, Northrop The return of Eden" . . . "Frye, Northrop The secular scripture" . . . "Frye, Northrop The secular scripture and other writings on critical theory, 1976-1991" . . . "Frye, Northrop The social authority of the writer" . . . "Frye, Northrop The stubborn structure" . . . "Frye, Northrop The stubborn structure" . . . "Frye, Northrop The stubborn structure" . . . "Frye, Northrop The well-tempered critic" . . . "Frye, Northrop Words with power" . . . "Gorak, Jan, 1952- The making of the modern canon" . . . "Houppert, Joseph W. John Henry Newman" . . . "Johnsen, William A. Violence and modernism" . . . "Joint Committee of the Toronto Board of Education and the University of Toronto Design for learning" . . . "Kogan, Pauline Northrop Frye: the high priest of clerical obscurantism" . . . "Kostelanetz, Richard Three Canadian geniuses" . . . "Manganaro, Marc, 1955- Myth, rhetoric, and the voice of authority" . . . "Northrop Frye newsletter" . . . "Paley, Morton D. The apocalyptic sublime" . . . "Powe, B. W. (Bruce W.), 1955- Marshall McLuhan and Northrop Frye" . . . "Remembering Northrop Frye" . . . "Rereading Frye" . . . "Sauerberg, Lars Ole, 1950- Versions of the past--visions of the future" . . . "Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 The tempest" . . . "Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 The tempest" . . . "Slote, Bernice Myth and symbol: critical approaches and applications" . . . "Some British romantics" . . . "The Harper handbook to literature" . . . "The Practical imagination" . . . "The Practical imagination" . . . "The Toronto school of communication theory" . . . "Todaro, Letterio Formazione e poíesis dell'umano" .