. "Slack, Paul" . . . "1943-01-23"^^ . . . "Social history" . . . "Historians" . . . "English"@en . . . . "Civil histories" . . . "Clark, Peter, 1944- Crisis and order in English towns, 1500-1700" . . . "Clark, Peter, 1944- Crisis and order in English towns, 1500-1700" . . . "Clark, Peter, 1944- English Towns in transition 1500-1700" . . . "Environments and historical change" . . . "Epidemics and ideas" . . . "Managing water resources past and present" . . . "Poverty in early-Stuart Salisbury" . . . "Public duty and private conscience in seventeenth-century England" . . . "Rebellion, popular protest, and the social order in early modern England" . . . "Slack, Paul From reformation to improvement" . . . "Slack, Paul Jūroku-jūshichiseiki no shakaishi toshishi no shomondai" . . . "Slack, Paul Plague" . . . "Slack, Paul Plague" . . . "Slack, Paul Poverty and policy in Tudor and Stuart England" . . . "Slack, Paul Social rules! for entrepreneurs and small business" . . . "Slack, Paul The English poor law, 1531-1782" . . . "Slack, Paul The English poor law, 1531-1782" . . . "Slack, Paul The impact of plague in Tudor and Stuart England" . . . "Slack, Paul The impact of plague in Tudor and Stuart England" . . . "Slack, Paul The invention of improvement" . . . "Suffering and happiness in England 1550-1850" . . . "The peopling of Britain" .