. "Scoles, John, 1772?-1853" . . . "1772?"^^ . "1853"^^ . . . . "A general map of North America drawn from the best surveys" . . . "America" . . . "Branagan, Thomas, 1774-1843 The excellency of the female character vindicated" . . . "Brissot de Warville, J.-P. (Jacques-Pierre), 1754-1793 The commerce of America with Europe" . . . "Brothers, Richard, 1757-1824 God's awful warnings to a giddy, careless, sinful world" . . . "Cameron, Mrs. (Lucy Lyttelton), 1781-1858. The history of Fidelity and Profession" . . . "Franklin, Benjamin, 1706-1790 The works of Dr. Benjamin Franklin" . . . "Hoare, G. R. (George Richard) The young traveller, or, Adventures of Etienne in search of his father" . . . "Hofland, Mrs. (Barbara), 1770-1844. The affectionate brothers" . . . "Hofland, Mrs. (Barbara), 1770-1844. The affectionate brothers" . . . "Morton, Thomas, 1764-1838 The children in the wood" . . . "Rabaut, Jean-Paul, 1743-1793 The history of the revolution of France" . . . "Scoles, John, 1772?-1853 A view at Pahaquarric, Sussex County, New Jersey" . . . "Scoles, John, 1772?-1853 A view of St. Paul's Church, New-York" . . . "Scoles, John, 1772?-1853 A view, at Minisink, New-Jersey" . . . "Scoles, John, 1772?-1853 C. Colden, Esq" . . . "Scoles, John, 1772?-1853 Frontispiece" . . . "Scoles, John, 1772?-1853 Lord Bolingbroke" . . . "Smith, Charles, 1768-1808 The gentleman's political pocket-almanac for the year 1796" . . . "Smith, Sidney Lawton, 1845-1929 A view of St. Paul's church, New-York" . . . "The happy sequel, or, The history of Isabella Mordaunt" . . . "Volney, C.-F. (Constantin-François), 1757-1820 Travels through Egypt and Syria, in the years 1783, 1784, and 1785" .