. "Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers" . . . . . . "Gilmer, Brad. File interchange handbook for images, audio, and metadata" . . . "16-mm sound test film, issue 3, 1949" . . . "3D cinema and television technology" . . . "4:2:2 digital video" . . . "4:2:2 digital video" . . . "Better video images" . . . "Composite digital television" . . . "Digital video" . . . "Instrumentation and high-speed photography" . . . "ITU/SMPTE tutorial" . . . "Journal of the SMPTE" . . . "Journal of the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers" . . . "Kalmus, Herbert T. (Herbert Thomas), 1881-1963 Herbert T. Kalmus papers" . . . "Milestones in motion picture and television technology" . . . "Military airborne video recording: requirements, utilization and techniques" . . . "Motion-picture projection and theatre presentation manual" . . . "Moving images--meeting the challenges" . . . "SMPTE Advanced Motion Imaging Conference (30th : 1996 : Seattle, Wash.) The convergence continues-- computer technology and television" . . . "SMPTE Advanced Motion Imaging Conference (35th : 2001 : Washington, D.C., Wash.) Proceedings" . . . "SMPTE Advanced Television and Electronic Imaging Conference (26th : 1992 : San Francisco, Calif.) Proceedings, the 26th annual SMPTE Advanced Television and Electronic Imaging Conference" . . . "SMPTE Advanced Television and Electronic Imaging Conference (27th : 1993 : New York, N.Y.) Advanced television and electronic imaging for film and video" . . . "SMPTE Advanced Television and Electronic Imaging Conference (28th : 1994 : Chicago, Ill.) Proceedings" . . . "SMPTE Advanced Television and Electronic Imaging Conference (29th : 1995 : San Francicso, Calif.) New foundations for video technology" . . . "SMPTE digital library" . . . "SMPTE journal" . . . "SMPTE journal" . . . "SMPTE motion imaging journal" . . . "SMPTE motion imaging journal" . . . "SMPTE Technical Conference (138th : 1996 : Los Angeles, Calif.) Film and video synergies" . . . "SMPTE Technical Conference and Exhibition (141st : 1999 : New York, N.Y.) Sprockets, samples, and satellites" . . . "SMPTE Technical Conference and Exhibition (142nd : 2000 : Pasadena, Calif.) Content acquisition, processing, and distribution in the digital millennium" . . . "SMPTE Television Conference (16th : 1982 : Nashville, Tenn.) Tomorrow's television" . . . "SMPTE Television Conference (18th : 1984 : Montreal, Canada) Television image quality" . . . "SMPTE Television Conference (19th : 1985 : San Francisco, Calif.) Components of the future" . . . "SMPTE Television Conference (20th : 1986 : Chicago, Ill.) Digital television tape recording and other new developments" . . . "SMPTE Television Conference (22nd : 1988 : Nashville, Tenn.) Television technology in transition" . . . "SMPTE Television Conference (25th : 1991 : Detroit, Mich.) A Television continuum--1967-2017" . . . "Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers Directory for members - Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, inc" . . . "Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers Elements of color in professional motion pictures" . . . "Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers List of members" . . . "Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers Scientific papers published by the society" . . . "Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers The Society of Motion Picture Engineers" . . . "Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers The technique of motion picture production" . . . "Technologies in the laboratory handling of motion picture and other long films" . . . "USOE-SMPTE Conference on Audio-visual Apparatus, Princeton, N.J., 1961 Designing new apparatus for learning" . . . "Video cartridge, cassette, and disc player systems" .