. "Byrd, William A." . . . . . . "Afghanistan's drugs industry" . . . "Byrd, William A. China's financial system" . . . "Byrd, William A. Public finance, security, and development" . . . "Byrd, William A. The market mechanism and economic reforms in China" . . . "Byrd, William A. The shenyang smelter" . . . "Byrd, William A. Township, village, and private industry in China's economic reform" . . . "China's rural industry" . . . "Chinese industrial firms under reform" . . . "Economic cooperation in the wider Central Asia region" . . . "Recent Chinese economic reforms" . . . "State finances in India" . . . "Ward, Christopher Afghanistan" . . . "Ward, Christopher Afghanistan's opium drug economy" . . . "Zhongguo nong cun gong ye" .