. "Papademetriou, Theresa" . . . . . . "[Constitutional provisions requiring a balanced budget]" . . . "A comparative survey of the laws on abortion of selected countries" . . . "A comparative survey of the laws on abortion of selected countries" . . . "Acquisition and use of property by aliens in foreign countries" . . . "Airline pilots carrying firearms" . . . "Anti-trafficking legislation" . . . "Boring, Nicolas Carbon emissions legislation" . . . "Boring, Nicolas Government programs for youth employment" . . . "Boring, Nicolas Police weapons in selected jurisdictions" . . . "British, Greek, and Turkish views on the interpretation of the Treaty of Guarantee of 1960" . . . "Buchanan, Kelly (Kelly S.) Definition of derivatives" . . . "Buchanan, Kelly (Kelly S.) National security exemptions in visa waiver program countries" . . . "Buchanan, Kelly (Kelly S.) Regulation of hydrofluorocarbons" . . . "Certain questions on citizenship in selected countries" . . . "Children's rights" . . . "Citizenship pathways and border protection" . . . "Clarke, Stephen F. Foreign investment restrictions in the broadcasting and telecommunications laws of selected countries" . . . "Clarke, Stephen F. Screening of airport employees before entering secure areas" . . . "Constitutional right to an education in selected countries" . . . "Cooperation of providers of internet-based communications services with government surveillance" . . . "Council of Europe" . . . "Cyprus" . . . "Desecration of flags in select countries" . . . "Embargo on the sale of weapons to China" . . . "Food safety systems" . . . "Foreign intelligence gathering laws" . . . "Foreign investment disclosure and foreign agent registration requirements" . . . "Government access to encrypted communications" . . . "Government procurement law and policy" . . . "Guest worker programs" . . . "Humanitarian aid labeling" . . . "Immigration and discrimination law" . . . "Implementation of sanctions against Iran" . . . "Import quotas on foreign television programs" . . . "Judicial accountability and discipline" . . . "Labor and social security laws in various EC countries and Switzerland" . . . "Law Library of Congress (U.S.) Advertising ban on tobacco products in select countries" . . . "Law Library of Congress (U.S.) Campaign financing of national elections in selected foreign countries" . . . "Law Library of Congress (U.S.) Church burning and bombing" . . . "Law on refugees in selected countries" . . . "Laws protecting employees on the transfer or sale of a business" . . . "Legality of military preemptive strikes" . . . "Legalized prostitution" . . . "Limiting drugs for export and reimportation" . . . "Nehra, Krishan S. Bribery and other corrupt practices" . . . "Online privacy law" . . . "Papademetriou, Theresa Cyprus" . . . "Papademetriou, Theresa Environmental \"take-back\" legislation in the European Union and in select member states" . . . "Papademetriou, Theresa European Union" . . . "Papademetriou, Theresa European Union" . . . "Papademetriou, Theresa European Union" . . . "Papademetriou, Theresa European Union" . . . "Papademetriou, Theresa European Union" . . . "Papademetriou, Theresa European Union" . . . "Papademetriou, Theresa European Union" . . . "Papademetriou, Theresa European Union" . . . "Papademetriou, Theresa European Union : assistance to opposition in Libya, Syria, and Sudan/South Sudan under sanctions regime" . . . "Papademetriou, Theresa European Union and Greece" . . . "Papademetriou, Theresa European Union and United States cooperation" . . . "Papademetriou, Theresa European Union, status of unaccompanied children arriving at the EU borders" . . . "Papademetriou, Theresa European Union: administrative protection of civil servants" . . . "Papademetriou, Theresa European Union: immigration and discrimination laws" . . . "Papademetriou, Theresa European Union: infringement of competition rules" . . . "Papademetriou, Theresa European Union: international legal standards applicable to Italy regarding the right to a fair trial" . . . "Papademetriou, Theresa European Union: lists of terrorist persons or organizations" . . . "Papademetriou, Theresa European Union: privacy and personal data protection, the \"Safe Harbor\" Agreement" . . . "Papademetriou, Theresa European Union: regulation of medical devices" . . . "Papademetriou, Theresa European Union: sanctions on Iran, North Korea, and Syria" . . . "Papademetriou, Theresa European Union: tax debate among member states" . . . "Papademetriou, Theresa European Union: terrorists" . . . "Papademetriou, Theresa European Union: use of revenues from auctioning of emissions allowances for aviation" . . . "Papademetriou, Theresa European Union: violence and sex on television" . . . "Papademetriou, Theresa Greece" . . . "Papademetriou, Theresa Greece" . . . "Papademetriou, Theresa Impeachment of federal or national judges" . . . "Papademetriou, Theresa Marriage and marital property under the new Greek family law" . . . "Papademetriou, Theresa Minimum wage laws in selected countries" . . . "Papademetriou, Theresa Potential conflict of the Total Information Awareness System with EU regulations" . . . "Papademetriou, Theresa Status of unaccompanied children seeking asylum in the European Union" . . . "Papademetriou, Theresa Survey on applicability of national labor laws to vessels of foreign registry" . . . "Permission to open a pharmacy: France, Germany, Greece" . . . "Protection of cultural property" . . . "Protection of the public against sex offenders" . . . "Protection under Article 3 of the UN Torture Convention" . . . "Refugee law and policy in selected countries" . . . "Regulation of drones" . . . "Regulation of genetically modified organisms (GMOs)" . . . "Regulations concerning the private possession of big cats" . . . "Responses to manifestations of antisemitism" . . . "Restrictions on genetically modified organisms" . . . "Retirement age for airline pilots" . . . "Right to peaceful assembly" . . . "Survey on applicability of national labor laws to vessels of foreign registry" . . . "Tax and import restrictions on resident foreigners in select countries" . . . "Taxation of interest on personal savings" . . . "The education of non-native language speaking children" . . . "The European Union and the United Kingdom" . . . "Tobacco regulation: Canada and the European Union" . . . "Training related to combating human trafficking in selected countries" . . . "Volume of T.V. commercial advertisements" .