. "Aghion, Philippe" . . . "1956-08-17"^^ . . . "German"@en . . . . "Aghion, Philippe Academic freedom, private-sector focus, and the process of innovation" . . . "Aghion, Philippe Changer de modèle" . . . "Aghion, Philippe Choosing electoral rules" . . . "Aghion, Philippe Competition and growth" . . . "Aghion, Philippe Competition, entry, and the social returns to infrastructure in transition economies" . . . "Aghion, Philippe Democracy, technology, and growth" . . . "Aghion, Philippe Endogenous growth theory" . . . "Aghion, Philippe Financial development and the instability of open economies" . . . "Aghion, Philippe Growth vs. margins" . . . "Aghion, Philippe Growth, inequality, and globalization" . . . "Aghion, Philippe Le pouvoir de la destruction créatrice" . . . "Aghion, Philippe Negotiating free trade" . . . "Aghion, Philippe On the speed of transition in Central Europe" . . . "Aghion, Philippe Optimal design of bank bailouts" . . . "Aghion, Philippe Repenser l'État" . . . "Aghion, Philippe Repenser la croissance économique" . . . "Aghion, Philippe Subgame perfect implementation with almost perfect information and the hold-up problem" . . . "Aghion, Philippe The behaviour of state firms in eastern Europe" . . . "Aghion, Philippe The economics of growth" . . . "Aghion, Philippe The effect of financial development on convergence" . . . "Aghion, Philippe The power of creative destruction" . . . "Aghion, Philippe Volatility and growth" . . . "Aghion, Philippe Wachstumsökonomie" . . . "Aghion, Philippe When does domestic saving matter for economic growth?" . . . "Agir face aux dérèglements du monde" . . . "Handbook of economic growth" . . . "IA, notre ambition pour la France" . . . "Knowledge, information, and expectations in modern macroeconomics" . . . "Knowledge, information, and expectations in modern macroeconomics" . . . "Paris et la mer" . . . "Réformes et transformations" . . . "The economics of creative destruction" . . . "The impact of incomplete contracts on economics" . . . "The Transition to a market economy" . . . "The unequal effects of liberalization" .