. "Barnes, William, 1824-1913" . . . . . . "Barnes, William, 1824-1913 Early insurance supervision in New York" . . . "Barnes, William, 1824-1913 General statute laws of the state of New York relating to fire" . . . "Barnes, William, 1824-1913 Papers and brief on the writ of injunction, labor unions, bycotts, strikes and contempts" . . . "Barnes, William, 1824-1913 Report of the Hon. William Barnes .." . . . "Barnes, William, 1824-1913 The origin and early history of the Republican Party" . . . "Barnes, William, 1824-1913 The settlement and early history of Albany" . . . "Barnes, William, 1824-1913 The settlement and early history of Albany" . . . "New York (State). Insurance Department. New York insurance reports" . . . "The official assumptions of the Superintendent of Insurance of the State of New York" . . . "The official assumptions of the Superintendent of Insurance of the State of New York" .