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  Label Dataset Type Subdivision Identifier
1. Greeley, Samuel S. [Subdivisions of lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 in Block 1 in Subdivision in Block 31 of Kinzie's addition to Chicago]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19654969
2. Greeley, Samuel S. [Subdivisions of lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 in Block 1 in Subdivision in Block 31 of Kinzie's addition to Chicago]

3. Hine, Lewis Wickes, 1874-1940 Noon hour. These boys are all working in the Illinois Glass Co. 1 Smallest boy, Frank (?) Dwyer, 1009 1/2 E. 6 St., says he has been working here 3 months. 2) Joe Dwyer (brother) Has been working here over 2 years. 3) Henry Maul, 513 Central Ave. 4) Frank Schenk, Lives with uncle, 611 Central Ave. 5) Emil Ohley, 1012 E. 6th Street. 6) Wm. Jarett, 825 E. 5th Street. 7) Fred Metz, 707 Bloomfield Street. In addition to their telling me they worked I saw them beginning work just before 1 P.M. Photo at 12:30. Alton, Ill. May 17, 1910 1910 May 17

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20686529
4. Grimsley, Loren Benjamin, 1892- Studies of conjugated systems: I. The preparation and properties of 1-phenyl-4-anilidobutadiene and 1-phenyl-4-aminobutadiene Chicago: 1933

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 2684529
5. Armstrong, Marvin Douglas, 1918- I. A new type of coupling reaction 4, 4'-diaroylbiphenyls Urbana, Ill: 1941

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 10192993
6. Hinckley, John Arthur, 1911- I. The addition of hydrogen bromide to butene-1, isobutylene and pentene-1 [Chicago]: 1941

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 7385320
7. Hine, Lewis Wickes, 1874-1940 Capps family at Columbia vaudeville. Baby of 21 months (been on stage for 6 months). Girl of 5 years (been on stage for 2 years). Boy of 7 years (been on stage for 1 year). Girl of 8 years (been on stage for 5 years). Boy of 12 years (been on stage for 8 years). Boy of 14 years (been on stage for 9 years). Oldest boy is acrobat, contortionist, etc. All do singing and dancing acts except baby, who appears in final scene as Charlie Chaplin. They appear 3 or 4 times a day--sometimes 7 days in the week, usually coming last on program (as a feature), which means they do not leave dressing room until nearly 11 p.m. Then, in addition, the life in cheap hotels and on the road "making new towns" is very unsettling. It was very touching to see the little ones curled up back of the scenes waiting for their act and getting 40 winks or the mother nursing the baby just before it was poked out onto the stage to do his little "turn." In spite of their stage life, their manners are good. They are quiet, well-appearing children, and the parents are kind and sympathetic. The father acts as nursemaid to the baby, and the mother dresses and changes the others and appears herself. She said: "They're never sick. It's the healthiest kind of life." The 8-year-old girl said: "I don't like it--the men in some places are so rough." There was some familiarity shown to them, but not much 1917 November 29

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20689627
8. Harris & Ewing Collecting old bottles is hobby of retired professor. Washington, D.C., Nov. 27. Bottles here, bottles there, and bottles everywhere amply describes the home here of W. Edwin Priest, retired Professor of History in the Washington high schools. Now 78 years old, Professor Priest has been collecting bottles of every imaginary kind, shape, and variety for 40 years. He now has over 1,000 bottles in his prized collection. Prof. Priest is shown holding the latest addition--the most valuable one--the little bottle which was found in Chaldea, home of the early christians, and said to be over 4,000 years old [19]39 November 27

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20256880
9. Hine, Lewis Wickes, 1874-1940 Capps family at Columbia vaudeville. Baby of 21 months (been on stage for 6 months). Girl of 5 years (been on stage for 2 years). Boy of 7 years (been on stage for 1 year). Girl of 8 years (been on stage for 5 years). Boy of 12 years (been on stage for 8 years). Boy of 14 years (been on stage for 9 years). Oldest boy is acrobat, contortionist, etc. All do singing and dancing acts except baby, who appears in final scene as Charlie Chaplin. They appear 3 or 4 times a day--sometimes 7 days in the week, usually coming last on program (as a feature), which means they do not leave dressing room until nearly 11 p.m. Then, in addition, the life in cheap hotels and on the road "making new towns" is very unsettling. It was very touching to see the little ones curled up back of the scenes waiting for their act and getting 40 winks or the mother nursing the baby just before it was poked out onto the stage to do his little "turn." In spite of their stage life, their manners are good. They are quiet, well-appearing children, and the parents are kind and sympathetic. The father acts as nursemaid to the baby, and the mother dresses and changes the others and appears herself. She said: "They're never sick. It's the healthiest kind of life." The 8-year-old girl said: "I don't like it--the men in some places are so rough." There was some familiarity shown to them, but not much

10. Charles M. Goodman Associates [Addition to Residence of Mr. & Mrs. Carl T. Lloyd, Glen Rd., #1, Rockville, Maryland.] [November 4, 1952]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 22692931
11. Hine, Lewis Wickes, 1874-1940 Noon hour. These boys are all working in the Illinois Glass Co. 1 Smallest boy, Frank (?) Dwyer, 1009 1/2 E. 6 St., says he has been working here 3 months. 2) Joe Dwyer (brother) Has been working here over 2 years. 3) Henry Maul, 513 Central Ave. 4) Frank Schenk, Lives with uncle, 611 Central Ave. 5) Emil Ohley, 1012 E. 6th Street. 6) Wm. Jarett, 825 E. 5th Street. 7) Fred Metz, 707 Bloomfield Street. In addition to their telling me they worked I saw them beginning work just before 1 P.M. Photo at 12:30. Alton, Ill. May 17, 1910

12. Harris & Ewing Collecting old bottles is hobby of retired professor. Washington, D.C., Nov. 27. Bottles here, bottles there, and bottles everywhere amply describes the home here of W. Edwin Priest, retired Professor of History in the Washington high schools. Now 78 years old, Professor Priest has been collecting bottles of every imaginary kind, shape, and variety for 40 years. He now has over 1,000 bottles in his prized collection. Prof. Priest is shown holding the latest addition--the most valuable one--the little bottle which was found in Chaldea, home of the early christians, and said to be over 4,000 years old

13. Hannum, Chester Wilbert, 1906- The peroxide effect in the addition of reagents to unsaturated compounds [Easton, Pa]: [1934]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 4527167
14. Grimsley, Loren Benjamin, 1892- Studies of conjugated systems [Easton, Pa.]: 1933

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 4527097
15. Great Britain. Ordnance Survey. Grenada, island of spice, scale 1:50,000 Southampton, England: Govt. of the United Kingdom (Ordnance Survey) for the Govt. of Grenada

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 5490916
16. Acme haversack of songs and patriotic eloquence Syracuse, N.Y.: J.C.O. Redington; 1887

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 13885340
17. Le Brun, Denis, 1640-1706 Traité des successions divisé en quatre livres Paris: M. Guignard, & C. Robustel; 1714

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 7712848
18. Merlin, Philippe Antoine, Comte, 1754-1838 Répertoire universel et raisonné de jurisprudence Bruxelles: H. Tarlier; 1825-28

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 7334606

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