The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service
  Label Dataset Type Subdivision Identifier
1. Harris & Ewing Senate Committee questions Pennsy head. Washington, D.C., Dec. 15. Martin W. Clement, President of the Pennsylvania Railroad, today told the Senate Rail Inquiry that there had never been any objection from the Interstate Commerce Commission to salaries paid Directors of the road. At the same time, Clement admitted that his own salary had been increased from $60,000 to $100,000 on January 1, 1937. After hearing+F14 Clement, Chairman Wheeler criticized the ICC for their lack of supervision of the railroads and placed the blame for the current rail troubles at their door, 12/15/37

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20249235
2. Harris & Ewing Big business men talk with Roosevelt. Washington, D.C., Jan. 11. Five of the nation's outstanding business men conferred today with the president at the White House, they are shown just before entering the White House, they are, left to right: Colby Chester, Chairman of the Board of the National Manufacturers Assoc.; Ernest P. Weir, President of the National Steel Corp.; Lewis Brown, President of the Johns-Manville Co.; Alfred P. Sloan, Chairman of the Board of General Motors; and M.W. Clement, Pres. of the Pennsylvania R.R., 1/11/38

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20249354
3. Clement I, Pope 1 & 2 Clement

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20356159
4. Harris & Ewing Rail Inquiry Chairman and Pennsy head view chart of Penna. R.R. holding companies. Washington, D.C., Dec. 15. A huge chart showing the numerous subsidiaries controlled by the Pennsylvania Railroad was on display at the Senate Rail Inquiry Committee room today. Chairman of the committee, Senator Burton K. Wheeler (left) is shown viewing the chart as he questions Martin W. Clement, President of the Pennsy, about the salaries paid directors of the road. Clement told the committee that his own salary had been increased from $60,000 to $100,000 on January 1, 1937, 12/15/37

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20249236
5. Clement I, Pope 1 Clement

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 22942533
6. Clement I, Pope 1 Clement

7. Hine, Lewis Wickes, 1874-1940 Boys working in Bibb Cotton Mill No. 1, Macon, Ga. Smallest boy--Otto Sheldo--2 yrs. in mill. Next, Jack Bowman--4 yrs. in mill. Next, Clement Olford--5 years in mill gets .75 a day. Next, Lawnie Williams--8 years in mill, gets .65 a day. Next, Henny Potter--2 yrs in mill. Two boys on left hand end are country boys just beginning to work, get 50 cents a day Witness, S.R. Hine

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20685585
8. Senator McMaster & Chief Clement Whirlwind Soldier, 2/1/26

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20208185
9. Clement, Michael S. Blueprints step 1 Q & A

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 12935947
10. J.W. Clement Co Buffalo bus routes, as of July 1, 1953

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 5831165
11. Balch, David L. Jesus, Paul, Luke-Acts, and 1 Clement

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 23384792
12. Wood, Clement, 1888-1950 The cross word puzzle book for children no. 1

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 9200041
13. Shammas, Namir Clement, 1954- Teach yourself Visual C++ 1.5 in 21 days

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 2054437
14. Wood, Clement, 1888-1950 The cross word puzzle book no. 1

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 7326861
15. Knopf, Rudolf, 1874-1920 A commentary on the Didache and on 1-2 Clement

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 23078867
16. IndoChina, French. Service géologique. Carte géologique de l'Indochine à l'echelle du 1/500.000e

17. Blueprints step 1 Q & A

18. Wood, Clement, 1888-1950 The cross word puzzle book for children no. 1

19. Wood, Clement, 1888-1950 The cross word puzzle book no. 1

20. United States. Congress. House. Rebellion of the seceding states. January 12, 1863. -- Ordered to be printed, and postponed until Wednesday, January 14, at 1 o'clock p.m.

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 23160867

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