The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service
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1. Hollem, Howard R. DeLand pool. Improvised foundry, Daytona Beach. American ingenuity is the keenest tool in the kit of the machinists turning out war weapons in Florida's pools. This is the way J.L. Clayton, Daytona Beach fireman, figured out and built a blast furnace hot enough to melt brass and aluminum. He hooked up a fuel oil barrel to the old foundry pump shown at right. The pump blasts the oil and compressed air down the pipeline into the crucible. Arthur Brown, Negro helper, has his hand on a valve that controls the air and fuel which heat the furnace 1942 Apr

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19638247
2. America's youth builds and flies model planes on miniature flying fields. This young mechanic, equipped with a well-fitted tool kit, goes after engine trouble in his model plane. Like millions of other boys, he is vitally interested in aero-modelling, and is learning in his home workshop principles of aeronautical engineering which he will put to good use in the air-minded post-war world. Young model plane builders recently turned out 800,000 scale model airplanes for use by the U.S. Navy, the U.S. Army, and civilian defense groups to train their personnel to recognize hostile and friendly aircraft. The models, which were built in a scale of one to seventy-two, were representations of all types of aircraft used by the United Nations and the enemy 1944?

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20084533
3. Hollem, Howard R. DeLand pool. Improvised foundry, Daytona Beach. American ingenuity is the keenest tool in the kit of the machinists turning out war weapons in Florida's pools. This is the way J.L. Clayton, Daytona Beach fireman, figured out and built a blast furnace hot enough to melt brass and aluminum. He hooked up a fuel oil barrel to the old foundry pump shown at right. The pump blasts the oil and compressed air down the pipeline into the crucible. Arthur Brown, Negro helper, has his hand on a valve that controls the air and fuel which heat the furnace

4. America's youth builds and flies model planes on miniature flying fields. This young mechanic, equipped with a well-fitted tool kit, goes after engine trouble in his model plane. Like millions of other boys, he is vitally interested in aero-modelling, and is learning in his home workshop principles of aeronautical engineering which he will put to good use in the air-minded post-war world. Young model plane builders recently turned out 800,000 scale model airplanes for use by the U.S. Navy, the U.S. Army, and civilian defense groups to train their personnel to recognize hostile and friendly aircraft. The models, which were built in a scale of one to seventy-two, were representations of all types of aircraft used by the United Nations and the enemy

5. Bransby, David Production. Airplanes. The air compressor room of a large Western aircraft plant. Here, compressors made by the Chicago Pneumatic Tool Company serve rivet guns, air drills, paint sprays, hydraulic presses, and other air-operated equipment 1942 Aug

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19638453
6. Chicago Pneumatic Tool Company Ideal power; a monthly magazine devoted to compressed air and electrical appliance

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 10534396
7. Palmer, Alfred T. Mitchell Field. The side gun of an American bomber gets plenty of work during an air battle. Manned by a brave, able, well-equipped gunner, it's one of the tools that is steadily thinning out Japanazi air power 1942 Apr

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19637114
8. Palmer, Alfred T. Mitchell Field. The side gun of an American bomber gets plenty of work during an air battle. Manned by a brave, able, well-equipped gunner, it's one of the tools that is steadily thinning out Japanazi air power 1942 Apr

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19637115
9. Palmer, Alfred T. Civilian defense. There's not much that is omitted in the equipment of these special gas and electrical emergency trucks. On the floor in front of the trunk are, left to right, the following items: a fitter's kit for repairing small gas leaks; a rubberized blanket for electrical work; an atmosphere testing machine; an inhalator; a Phister fire extinguisher; an air blower ; a lux fire extinguisher kit; a splicer's kit containing insulated hand tools; a fuse kit; a manhole guard rail and a rubber mat for electrical work. The worker at the left is wearing a special mask with a half-hour suplly of oxygen for use where a fresh air hose is not practical. He is also wearing rubber gloves for repair work. The man standing in the center is holding a hand operated manhole pump. The truck and its equipment were on display at Madison Square Garden, New York, as part of the huge civilian defense show held there in October 1941 Oct

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19644971
10. Palmer, Alfred T. Mitchell Field. The side gun of an American bomber gets plenty of work during an air battle. Manned by a brave, able, well-equipped gunner, it's one of the tools that is steadily thinning out Japanazi air power

11. Palmer, Alfred T. Mitchell Field. The side gun of an American bomber gets plenty of work during an air battle. Manned by a brave, able, well-equipped gunner, it's one of the tools that is steadily thinning out Japanazi air power

12. Siegel, Arthur S. Wayne County Airport, a United States Army Air Corps air ferry command base sixteen miles from Detroit, Michigan. Sector status report. A mechanic is lifting a tool box 1942 Sept

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20010837
13. Sims, Carra S. 2017 U.S. Air Force Community Feedback Tool Santa Monica, Calif: RAND Corporation; 2019

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 21698081
14. Palmer, Alfred T. Civilian defense. There's not much that is omitted in the equipment of these special gas and electrical emergency trucks. On the floor in front of the trunk are, left to right, the following items: a fitter's kit for repairing small gas leaks; a rubberized blanket for electrical work; an atmosphere testing machine; an inhalator; a Phister fire extinguisher; an air blower ; a lux fire extinguisher kit; a splicer's kit containing insulated hand tools; a fuse kit; a manhole guard rail and a rubber mat for electrical work. The worker at the left is wearing a special mask with a half-hour suplly of oxygen for use where a fresh air hose is not practical. He is also wearing rubber gloves for repair work. The man standing in the center is holding a hand operated manhole pump. The truck and its equipment were on display at Madison Square Garden, New York, as part of the huge civilian defense show held there in October

15. Crosta, C. A., inc., Denver, Col. Catalog ... Sheet metals and sheet metal products, heating and air conditioning equipment, tinners' supplies and tools, hardware specialties

16. Abbott, N. H. C. Source testing as a compliance tool for air discharges [Wellington, N.Z.]: Ministry for the Environment; [1997]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 177701
17. SmartWay Transport Partnership Program (U.S.) Truck carrier partner ... tool. Technical documentation [Washington, D.C.]: United States Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Transportation and Air Quality; 2013-

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19392687
18. Palmer, Alfred T. Parris Island. Marine Corps gliders. A new war tool for the leathernecks. A glider plane leaves a hanger at Page Field, Parris Island, South Carolina where the Marine Corps is teaching its young gyrene pilots how to get the motorless planes into the air, keep them up a long time, take them over a complicated flight path and land them on a spot 1942 May

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19637693
19. Chicago Pneumatic Tool Company Instructions for the erection and care of Franklin air compressors ... [Chicago]: [1911?]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 9165683
20. Chicago Pneumatic Tool Company Directions for starting and operating the Franklin gas and gasoline driven air compressors [Chicago]: [1911?]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 7760576

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