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1. ARC

2. ARC float in great "victory parade" at Liverpool. The parade was the opening of a great "drive" for funds for the British Y.M.C.A. in Liverpool, and the float here was one of the most distinctive in the American section. It aims to portray the cooperation between the ARC and the Y.M.C.A. in the Liverpool district. The men on the float are all American soldiers, and the female figures are girl scouts and other girl workers in the RC headquarters. The title of the float on the official program was "Uncle Sam and His Children" and the characters were listed as follows, Uncle Sam, soldier from ARC hospital, the Western States, Indian Maiden, American Nurse, American Woman Auto Driver. Girl Scout, the Eastern States, with shield of New Jersey as Pres. Wilson's state, American officers [ca. 1918]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19514927
3. Abbe Jean Borde d'Arrere "The Fighting Priest" who has received numerous decorations for bravery on the battlefield about to get into an ARC car in front of ARC headquarters, 4 Place de la Candorde, Paris. The Abbe expects to leave shortly for America on a special mission for the ARC May 1918

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19513103
4. Abbe Jean Borde d'Arrere "The Fighting Priest" who has received numerous decorations for bravery on the battlefield, in an ARC car in front of the ARC headquarters, 4 Place de la Concorde, Paris. The Abbe expects to leave shortly for America on a special mission for the ARC May 1918

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19513121
5. Medical and RC staff at the "Florence Nightingale" RC Hospital, which is the American soldiers' name for the camp hospital at a big American camp somewhere in England. The hospital gets this name from the fact that it is located just across the valley from Florence Nightingale's old home. From left to right, Capt. Knox, ARC dentist, Lt. Taylor, U.S.A., Capt. William B. Belknap, ARC Lt. Wineck, U.S.A., Capt. Logan, U.S.A., Lt. Hewitt, U.S.A. Lt. Ford, U.S.A

6. Entrance of the ARC naval hospital at Cardiff, Wales. The staff of he hospital includes: Lt. A.J. Pendleton (ARC) New York City, Lt. C.A. Gilibert (ARC) Epworth, Iowa, Lt. T.L. Morrow (U.S.N.), Mebane, N.C. Capt. I.B. Casteel (ARC) New York City. The head of the hospital, Commander J.S. Woodward (USN) of Baltimore is not shown in the photograph 1919

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19515404
7. ARC Secretaries' Conference (17th : 1988 : Nyanga, Zimbabwe) 17th ARC Secretaries' Conference

8. General Conference of ARC (2nd : 1984 : Jīzah, Egypt) Abstracts of the scientific research papers presented to the 2nd General Conference of ARC, Giza, 9-11 April, 1984 [Giza, Egypt?]: Ministry of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Center (ARC); [1984?]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 2893202
9. Arrival of a party of children who will be placed in peasants' homes for the summer at the expense of the ARC in the neighborhood of Quethary in the Basses-Pyrenees. The ARC. maintains also at Quethary a country home for delicate children who need more careful supervision than they could have in the homes of the peasants 20 September 1918 [date received]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19499916
10. Medical and RC staff at the "Florence Nightingale" RC Hospital, which is the American soldiers' name for the camp hospital at a big American camp somewhere in England. The hospital gets this name from the fact that it is located just across the valley from Florence Nightingale's old home. From left to right, Capt. Knox, ARC dentist, Lt. Taylor, U.S.A., Capt. William B. Belknap, ARC Lt. Wineck, U.S.A., Capt. Logan, U.S.A., Lt. Hewitt, U.S.A. Lt. Ford, U.S.A. 1918

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19514895
11. The children's dinner hour. Working in cooperation with the ARC this French sister helps to feed the little ones in the garden at La Chaux ARC home for refugee children at Lyon July 1918 [date received]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19513350
12. Typical scene in Marseilles. Dr. Grove of the ARC among the crowds of children that swarm on the docks. Living in wretchedly unhealthy conditions many of them need medical attention. They are always welcome at the ARC children's dispensary 23 July 1918 [date received]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19513283
13. Playground in the Marseilles Child Welfare Exposition given by the ARC. The idea of a public playground supported by public funds and open to everychild is an innovation in France. American playground experts belonging to the ARC teach the children American games with special emphasis on team work, an element nothighly developed in French children's play. One of the games for girls June 1918

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19513138
14. First steps toward an Entente Cordiale. ARC worker who wants to make friends with a little refugee just arrived at the ARC canteen at the Gare de l'Est where all refugees coming to the station are fed free of charge, cared for and helped on their way June 1918

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19513213
15. One of the finest buildings in Ekaterinodar, Caucasion Russia, has been transformed into an ARC hospital for soldiers of General Denikine's Army. The work of equipping this hospital was done by the ARC Commission to Southern Russia, under Major E.G. Dexter of Urbana, Illinois 24 January 1920 [date received]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19510236
16. Children's Welfare Exhibition, Lyons. Children speaking a piece of thanks to the ARC. Left Mayor Herriot (fur coat) and General Ebener. Civil and military authorities have done all in their power to help the ARC April 1918

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19513152
17. American coffee served steaming hot from ARC Canteen to Italian soldiers who were on their way from active fighting in the trenches nearby, does much to keep up the spirit of Italian troops. Working actively on the front line the ARC is also aiding hundreds of thousands of soldier's families and assists thousands of refugees and carries on important work for the little children of Italy [ca. 1918]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19513667
18. The children's dinner hour. Working in cooperation with the ARC this French sister helps to feed the little ones in the garden at La Chaux ARC home for refugee children at Lyon July 1918 [date received]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19513351
19. ARC nurses preparing the babies' food in the ARC children's dispensary at Marseilles July 1918 [date received]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19513353
20. At the Gare de l'Est, Paris; a member of the ARC and French relief workers lead a party of refugees into the ARC canteen where they will have a good hot meail free of charge and afterwards be helped on their way June 1918

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19512982

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