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1. Harris & Ewing C.I.O. Chief luncheon guest of president Washington, D.C., May 20. John L. Lewis, C.I.O. Head, arriving at the White House today where he was a luncheon guest of President Roosevelt. While the chief executive said Lewis did not come to the White House to confer on political matters, significance, however, was attached to the fact that the meeting follows by three days the defeat of Lewis backed candidates in Pennsylvania's primaries last Tuesday, 5/20/38 [19]38 May 20

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20253457
2. Harris & Ewing Fears airlines' bankruptcy. Washington, D.C., Dec. 20. Senator Edwin C. Johnson (right) of Colorado, today demanded prompt enactment of the McCarran Air Transport Bill in order to save America's commercial from bankruptcy and destruction. Studying the bill with the author Senator Pat McCarran, Senator declared that the Nation's airlines will lose $3,000,000 more this year than in 1936, 12/20/37 [19]37 December 20

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20249256
3. Harris & Ewing John L. Lewis at the White House. Washington, D.C., July 20. John L. Lewis conferred with President Roosevelt today for hald an hour on 'a number of subjects.' He replied 'no' to a specific question as to whether he had talked about the prospect of renewing the disrupted peace talks between the C.I.O. and A.F. of L. Lewis said he visited the White House 'by invitation, and any gentleman who says otherwise is in error,' 7/20/39 [19]39 July 20

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20256084
4. Harris & Ewing Famous actress urges admittance into U.S. of 20,000 German refugee children. Washington, D.C., April 20. Speaking 'as an American mother,' actress Helen Hayes today appealed to a senate immigration subcommittee to approve legislation to admit 20,000 German refugee children into the United States during the next two years. She is pictured with Senator Robert F. Wagner, left, of New York, and Rep. Edith Nourse Rogers, right, of Massachusetts [19]39 April 20

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20255537
5. Harris & Ewing Monopoly Committee told price of auto wheels reduced 20 per cent in last five years. Washington, D.C., Jan. 20. Clarence C. Carlton, President of the Motor Wheel Corp. of Detroit, today told the Monopoly Committee that the patent system had engendered competitive conditions in the auto industry and lowered the cost of the product. He said, for example, that the cost of wheels had been reduced 20 percent during the last five years, 1/20/39 [19]39 January 20

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20254887
6. Harris & Ewing Phones boss. Washington, D.C., March 20. Kurt G. Sell, Washington Correspondent for the German News Bulletin, phones in his story of Undersecretary of State Sumner Welles' press conference today. A highlight of the conference was the announcement that American Minister Wilbur Carr had been instructed to close the U.S. Legation in Prague and turn over the properties and records to the American Consul General, 3-20-39 1939 March 20

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20255335
7. Harris & Ewing Diplomatic children broadcast Xmas greeting. Washington, D.C., Dec. 20. Christmas greetings in all tongues were broadcast all over the world today by the tiny sons and daughters of foreign diplomats participating in Annual International Children's Christmas Program staged by the National Broadcasting Co. For the first time two American children. Marcus and Melissa Woodring, son and daughter of the Secretary of War and Mrs. Harry Woodring, took part in the broadcast. Left to right, can be seen: Charles Lombard, son of the French Military Attache and Mme. Lombard; Nicolaii Machado, son of Maj. and Mme. Bin Machado of the Brazilian Embassy; Marcus and Melissa Woodring; and Saschiko Jimbo, daughter of the Japanese Embassy Secretary, Shuzo Jimbo, 12/20/38 [19]38 December 20

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20254536
8. Harris & Ewing Kay Overton, 'Little Senator', Secretary to 'Big Senator' Overton on Hill. Washington, D.C., Jan. 20. Kay Overton, usually referred to as the 'little Senator', serves her father in his office as secretary. Her father is Senator John Overton from Louisiana, 1/20/38 [19]39 January 20

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20254897
9. Harris & Ewing Washington, D.C., July 20. A new informal picture of Max Lowenthal, counsel to the Senate interstate commerce sub-committee 'which' is investigating railroads, 7/20/39 [19]39 July 20

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20256081
10. Harris & Ewing Congress' reporters hold own elections. Washington, D.C., Jan. 20. The biennial election of press galleries of the House and Senate today cast ballots to elect a standing committee of five to supervise management of the two press galleries during the next two years. Here, Harriet Evans, casts her ballot while election officials, Chester R. Thrift, Douglas Cornell and Bill Donaldson, Superintendent of the House Press Gallery see that it is done right, 1/20/39 [19]39 January 20

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20254899
11. Harris & Ewing Judiciary Committee hears N.Y. Supreme Justice on proposed Court reform plan. Washington, D.C., March 20. Ferdinand Pecora (left) New York Supreme Court Justice and former member of the Securities and Exchange Commission, told the Senate Judiciary Committee today that he favored the president's plan for reorganization of the Judiciary. Pecora drew upon his experience as an investigator for the Senate Banking and Currency Committee to outline a broad situation which he said required the President's program as a solution. He is shown with Senator Royal S. Copeland of New York, 3/20/1937 1937 March 20

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20247851
12. Harris & Ewing Chief Executive receives international rotary chief. Washington, D.C., Oct. 20. Maurice Duperrey of Paris (left) President of Rotary International leaving the White House today after a call on President Roosevelt. Jules Henry, (center) Counselor and Charge D'Affaires of the French Embassy, and George W. Harris, past President of the Washington Rotary Club, accompanied the Rotary Chief. 10/20/37 [19]37 October 20

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20248943
13. Harris & Ewing Mrs. Brown at Child Labor hearing. Washington, D.C., May 20. Mrs. La Rae Brown of Boston, Mass., Director of the National League of Women Voters appeared before the Senate Interstate Commerce Committee today. She stated that she was in favor or Sen. Alden W. Barkley's bill which would prohibit the interstate shipment of goods made by child labor, 5/20/1937 1937 May 20

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20248163
14. Harris & Ewing Vice President Garner takes over the reins. Washington D.C. July 20. Back from a vacation at his home in Texas, Vice President Garner was ready for action today as he resumed his duties as presiding officer of the Senate. Senator Key Pittman, who as President Pro Tem presided over the Senate during the VIce President's absence, is shown turning over the gavel to Garner upon his arrival at the Capitol. 7/20/37 [19]37 July 20

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20248489
15. Harris & Ewing Last minute huddle. Washington, D.C., April 20. Loaded down with facts and figures on President Roosevelt's $4,512,000,000 Recovery Drive, WPA Administrator Harry Hopkins (left) and his First Assistant Chief Aubrey Williams, await the opening of The House Appropriations Committee Hearing today where they made public plans for the Administration's new drive against The Depression, 4/20/38 [19]38 April 20

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20253262
16. Harris & Ewing Interior Secretary and his choice for federal housing post. Washington, D.C., Sept. 20. Following a meeting today with housing experts from all parts of the country, Secretary of Interior Harold Ickes views a a map showing the location of the many low-cost housing projects now under way. Dr. Howard A. Gray, head of the PWA Housing Administration and Ickes' choice for the newly created $10,000 post as administrator of the U.S. Housing Authority, points out the locations to the secretary. Today's meeting was called to discuss the operation of the $500,000,000 Wagner Housing Act. 9/20/37 [19]37 September 20

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20271307
17. Harris & Ewing That's my Pop! Washington, D.C., March 20. William Douglas, Jr., is mighty proud of Dad today because the President told Congress that he wanted his Pop to be one of the men at the Supreme Court - up where his Pop will say what laws are good and what aren't. 3-20-39 1939 March 20

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20255342
18. Harris & Ewing All set for construction. Washington, D.C., April 20. While Senator Robert F. Wagner, of New York, the father of modern housing legislation, looks on with pride, Nathan Straus, Chief of U.S. Housing Authority, puts the final OK on the President's approval of $36,657,000 in contracts for housing projects in New York City, Augusta, GA., Jacksonville, FLA., and Louisville, KY, 4/20/38 [19]38 April 20

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20253268
19. Harris & Ewing Congress' reporters hold own elections. Washington, D.C., Jan. 20. The biennial election of press galleries of the House and Senate today cast ballots to elect a standing committee of five to supervise management of the two press galleries during the next two years. Here, Harriet Evans, casts her ballot while election officials, Chester R. Thrift, Douglas Cornell and Bill Donaldson, Superintendent of the House Press Gallery see that it is done right, 1/20/39 [19]39 January 20

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20254901
20. Harris & Ewing Before Senate Judiciary Committee. Washington, D.C., March 20. Irving Grant, St. Louis editor, told the Senate Judiciary Committee today that "it is disastrous to leave the destinies of the United States" in the hands of five Supreme Court Justices "who have usurped the policy making functions of the government" while supporting the president's judiciary program. Grant added that he believed the proposed bill was "faulty" because it provided for a permanent increase in court membership up to 15, 3/20/1937 1937 March 20

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20247850

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