The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service
  Label Dataset Type Subdivision Identifier
1. Rosener, Ann [Untitled photo, possibly related to: Washington, D.C. Sister Aquinas, "flying nun," applying a little glue to the model P-38 which hangs from the ceiling of her classroom at Catholic University. A veteran of fifteen years' teaching experience, the Sister is giving a summer Civil Aeronautics Authority course for instruction] 1943 June

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20053612
2. Rosener, Ann [Untitled photo, possibly related to: Washington, D.C. Sister Aquinas, "flying nun," applying a little glue to the model P-38 which hangs from the ceiling of her classroom at Catholic University. A veteran of fifteen years' teaching experience, the Sister is giving a summer Civil Aeronautics Authority course for instruction] 1943 June

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20053616
3. Rosener, Ann [Untitled photo, possibly related to: Washington, D.C. Sister Aquinas, "flying nun," applying a little glue to the model P-38 which hangs from the ceiling of her classroom at Catholic University. A veteran of fifteen years' teaching experience, the Sister is giving a summer Civil Aeronautics Authority course for instruction] 1943 June

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20053618
4. Rosener, Ann Washington, D.C. Sister Aquinas, "flying nun," applying a little glue to the model P-38 which hangs from the ceiling of her classroom at Catholic University. A veteran of fifteen years' teaching experience, the Sister is giving a summer Civil Aeronautics Authority course for instruction 1943 June

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20053609
5. Rosener, Ann [Untitled photo, possibly related to: Washington, D.C. Sister Aquinas, "flying nun," applying a little glue to the model P-38 which hangs from the ceiling of her classroom at Catholic University. A veteran of fifteen years' teaching experience, the Sister is giving a summer Civil Aeronautics Authority course for instruction] 1943 June

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20053613
6. Rosener, Ann [Untitled photo, possibly related to: Washington, D.C. Sister Aquinas, "flying nun," applying a little glue to the model P-38 which hangs from the ceiling of her classroom at Catholic University. A veteran of fifteen years' teaching experience, the Sister is giving a summer Civil Aeronautics Authority course for instruction] 1943 June

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20053615
7. Rosener, Ann [Untitled photo, possibly related to: Washington, D.C. Sister Aquinas, "flying nun," applying a little glue to the model P-38 which hangs from the ceiling of her classroom at Catholic University. A veteran of fifteen years' teaching experience, the Sister is giving a summer Civil Aeronautics Authority course for instruction] 1943 June

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20053617
8. Rosener, Ann [Untitled photo, possibly related to: Washington, D.C. Sister Aquinas, "flying nun," applying a little glue to the model P-38 which hangs from the ceiling of her classroom at Catholic University. A veteran of fifteen years' teaching experience, the Sister is giving a summer Civil Aeronautics Authority course for instruction] 1943 June

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20053619
9. Rosener, Ann Washington, D.C. Sister Aquinas, "flying nun," applying a little glue to the model P-38 which hangs from the ceiling of her classroom at Catholic University. A veteran of fifteen years' teaching experience, the Sister is giving a summer Civil Aeronautics Authority course for instruction

10. Rosener, Ann [Untitled photo, possibly related to: Washington, D.C. Sister Aquinas, "flying nun," applying a little glue to the model P-38 which hangs from the ceiling of her classroom at Catholic University. A veteran of fifteen years' teaching experience, the Sister is giving a summer Civil Aeronautics Authority course for instruction]

11. Rosener, Ann [Untitled photo, possibly related to: Washington, D.C. Sister Aquinas, "flying nun," applying a little glue to the model P-38 which hangs from the ceiling of her classroom at Catholic University. A veteran of fifteen years' teaching experience, the Sister is giving a summer Civil Aeronautics Authority course for instruction]

12. Rosener, Ann [Untitled photo, possibly related to: Washington, D.C. Sister Aquinas, "flying nun," applying a little glue to the model P-38 which hangs from the ceiling of her classroom at Catholic University. A veteran of fifteen years' teaching experience, the Sister is giving a summer Civil Aeronautics Authority course for instruction]

13. Rosener, Ann [Untitled photo, possibly related to: Washington, D.C. Sister Aquinas, "flying nun," applying a little glue to the model P-38 which hangs from the ceiling of her classroom at Catholic University. A veteran of fifteen years' teaching experience, the Sister is giving a summer Civil Aeronautics Authority course for instruction]

14. Rosener, Ann [Untitled photo, possibly related to: Washington, D.C. Sister Aquinas, "flying nun," applying a little glue to the model P-38 which hangs from the ceiling of her classroom at Catholic University. A veteran of fifteen years' teaching experience, the Sister is giving a summer Civil Aeronautics Authority course for instruction]

15. Rosener, Ann [Untitled photo, possibly related to: Washington, D.C. Sister Aquinas, "flying nun," applying a little glue to the model P-38 which hangs from the ceiling of her classroom at Catholic University. A veteran of fifteen years' teaching experience, the Sister is giving a summer Civil Aeronautics Authority course for instruction]

16. Rosener, Ann [Untitled photo, possibly related to: Washington, D.C. Sister Aquinas, "flying nun," applying a little glue to the model P-38 which hangs from the ceiling of her classroom at Catholic University. A veteran of fifteen years' teaching experience, the Sister is giving a summer Civil Aeronautics Authority course for instruction]

17. Wilson, John, 1928- Discipline and authority in classroom and courtroom London; New York: Boyars/Bowerdean; 1995

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 2561154
18. Pace, Judith L. Classroom authority Mahwah, N.J.: L. Erlbaum Associates; 2006

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 13910706
19. Gale, Xin Liu, 1952- Teachers, discourses, and authority in the postmodern composition classroom Albany: State University of New York Press; c1996

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 670399
20. Rosener, Ann Washington, D.C. Sister Aquinas, "flying nun," in her classroom at Catholic University, where she conducts a civil aeronautics authority for instructors 1943 June

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20053610

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