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1. Palmer, Alfred T. Conversion. Tire plant. This vulcanizing unit, largest in the world, was designed for the vulcanizing of giant tires used on earth-moving machinery, but is now helping out the war program by vulcanizing self-sealing gas tanks for the nation's war planes. The special mold containing the tank is being lowered into position in the tire vulcanizing unit. When it is in place, the huge cover of the unit will be lowered into position and closed. The heat will then be turned on to cure the raw rubber of the gas tank 1942 Feb

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19635783
2. Palmer, Alfred T. Conversion. Tire plant. This vulcanizing unit, largest in the world, was designed for the vulcanizing of giant tires used on earth-moving machinery, but is now helping out the war program by vulcanizing self-sealing gas tanks for the nation's war planes. The special mold containing the tank is being lowered into position in the tire vulcanizing unit. When it is in place, the huge cover of the unit will be lowered into position and closed. The heat will then be turned on to cure the raw rubber of the gas tank

3. Palmer, Alfred T. Conversion. Tire plant. This vulcanizing unit, largest in the world, was designed for the vulcanizing of giant tires used on earth-moving machinery, but is now helping out the war program by vulcanizing self-sealing gas tanks for the nation's war planes. The mold containing the tank has been lowered into the vulcanizing unit and the huge cover is being lowered into position before the heat is turned on 1942 Feb

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19635782
4. Palmer, Alfred T. Conversion. Tire plant. This vulcanizing unit, largest in the world, was designed for the vulcanizing of giant tires used on earth-moving machinery; is now helping out the war program by vulcanizing self-sealing gas tanks for the nation's war planes. The mold containing the tank has been lowered into the vulcanizing unit and the huge cover is being lowered into position before the heat is turned on 1942 Feb

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19635784
5. Palmer, Alfred T. Conversion. Tire plant. This vulcanizing unit, largest in the world, was designed for the vulcanizing of giant tires used on earth-moving machinery, but is now helping out the war program by vulcanizing self-sealing gas tanks for the nation's war planes. The mold containing the tank has been lowered into the vulcanizing unit and the huge cover is being lowered into position before the heat is turned on

6. Palmer, Alfred T. Conversion. Tire plant. This vulcanizing unit, largest in the world, was designed for the vulcanizing of giant tires used on earth-moving machinery; is now helping out the war program by vulcanizing self-sealing gas tanks for the nation's war planes. The mold containing the tank has been lowered into the vulcanizing unit and the huge cover is being lowered into position before the heat is turned on

7. United States. Office for Emergency Management. Gas rationing booklet. This is the inside of the front cover and the first page of the new "A" gasoline coupon book, which motorists in the East Coast rationed area will need to obtain their basic rations of gasoline when the coupon plan goes into effect in July. Instructions appearing inside the front cover warn holders against tearing out the coupons and presenting them loose at a service station. The six coupons on the first page are marked "A-1," which means they may be used at any time during the first two months after the plan goes into effect. Coupons on the following pages are numbered "A-2," "A-3," etc., and will be good during the respective two-month periods. The book rations gasoline for the period of one year [between 1940 and 1946]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19637481
8. United States. Office for Emergency Management. Gas rationing booklet. This is the back cover of the new "A" gasoline coupon book, which motorists in the East Coast rationed area will need to obtain their basic rations of gasoline when the coupon plan goes into effect in July. The book cover contains a statement requesting conservation of gasoline and tires. It also instructs finders of lost books to return them to the nearest rationing board. The book rations gasoline for the period of one year [between 1940 and 1946]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19637483
9. United States. Office for Emergency Management. Gas rationing booklet. This is the inside of the back cover of the "A" gasoline coupon book, which motorists in the East Coast rationed area will need to obtain their basic rations of gasoline when the coupon plan goes into effect in July. The inside of the back cover contains a warning that gasoline rationing rules and regulations must be observed and a space for the signature of the holder of the book. The other coupon books used in the plan will resemble the "A" book except in the color of printing and the number of coupons [between 1940 and 1946]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19637482
10. United States. Office of War Information. Gas rationing booklet. This is the front cover of the new "A" gasoline coupon book, which motorists in the East Coast rationed area will need to obtain their basic rations of gasoline when the coupon plan goes into effect in July. The front cover will carry a description of the car for which the hooklet is issued as well as the name and address of the owner. The other coupon books used in the plan will rsemble the "A" book, except in the color of printing and number of coupons [between 1940 and 1946]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19636715
11. United States. Office of War Information. Gas rationing booklet. This is the inside of the front cover and the first page of the new "A" gasoline coupon book, which motorists in the East Coast rationed area will need to obtain their basic rations of gasonline when the coupon plan goes into effect in July. Instructions appearing inside the front cover warn holders against tearing out the coupons and presenting them loose at a service station. The six coupons on the first page are market "A," which means they may be used at any time during the month after the plan goes into effect. Coupons on the following pages are numbered, "A-2," "A-3" etc., and will be good during the respective month periods. The book rations gasoline for the period of one year 1942 July

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19636717
12. Crow, Cassi L. Land-cover changes associated with oil and natural-gas production and concentrations of selected constituents in surface-water and streambed-sediment samples collected upstream from and within an area of oil and natural-gas production, South Texas, 2008-17 Reston, Virginia: U.S. Department of the Interior, Geological Survey; 2018

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20819922
13. Highsmith, Carol M., 1946- Now long-closed and minus its wheels and adjacent cowboy figure, this old gas station in Milford, Nebraska, was long touted as "the World's Largest Covered Wagon"

14. Highsmith, Carol M., 1946- Now long-closed and minus its wheels and adjacent cowboy figure, this old gas station in Milford, Nebraska, was long touted as "the World's Largest Covered Wagon"

15. Palmer, Alfred T. Barrage balloon manufacture. All out for defense! Scrambling out of the zipper-covered "manhole" in the nose of a gigantic barrage balloon, this worker has finished patching, touching up and checking the great bag, and is ready to give the signal to deflate the balloon, pack it and ship it to Uncle Sam's army training fields where balloon squadrons are learning the technique of handling the blimp-sized gas bags. This ship is of the ballonet type. General Tire and Rubber Company, Akron, Ohio

16. Highsmith, Carol M., 1946- Now long-closed and minus its wheels and adjacent cowboy figure, this old gas station in Milford, Nebraska, was long touted as "the World's Largest Covered Wagon" 2021-12-30

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 22637243
17. Palmer, Alfred T. Barrage balloon manufacture. All out for defense! Scrambling out of the zipper-covered "manhole" in the nose of a gigantic barrage balloon, this worker has finished patching, touching up and checking the great bag, and is ready to give the signal to deflate the balloon, pack it and ship it to Uncle Sam's army training fields where balloon squadrons are learning the technique of handling the blimp-sized gas bags. This ship is of the ballonet type. General Tire and Rubber Company, Akron, Ohio 1941 Dec

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19645436
18. Highsmith, Carol M., 1946- Now long-closed and minus its wheels and adjacent cowboy figure, this old gas station in Milford, Nebraska, was long touted as "the World's Largest Covered Wagon" 2021-12-30

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 22637242
19. America's youth builds and flies model planes on miniature flying fields. A member of the San Antonio Gas Model Club, which does its weekly flying at Kelly Field in the city of San Antonio in the southwestern U.S. state of Texas, proudly displays his amphibian model airplane, which has a six foot (1.8 meters) wing spread. When an earlier model crashed there was nothing left but one good wing. This young model enthusiast decided to build a new plane around it. He built an amphibian and turned out a perfect flying job. The plane is made of balsa wood covered with silk and waterproofing material. Like millions of other young Americans who make model building their hobby, this young man will be called upon to put his practical experience in aeronautics to use in the air-minded post war world 1944?

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20084542
20. United States. Office for Emergency Management. Gas rationing booklet. This is the front conver of the "A" gasoline coupon book, which motorists in the East Coast rationed area will need to obtain their basic ration of gasoline when the coupon plan goes into effect in July. The front cover will carry a description of the car for which the booklet is issued, as well as the name and address of the owner. The other coupon books used in the plan will resemble the "A" book, except in the order of printing and the number of coupons [between 1940 and 1946]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19637480

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