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1. By the side of the pits at Poltava from which the officers of the Volunteer Army are now excavating the Victims of Bolshevik torture. In the foreground the nameless objects upon the ground are the remains of those who opposed Bolshevism. Their friends are attempting to indentify them 6 November 1919 [date received]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19502951
2. Part of the huge bakery at Monastir turned over to the A.R.C. by the French Army. If formerly supplied the Allied Army of the Orient with 125,000 loaves of bread a day. Now it is sued to help feed the starving civilian population in this district of the Balkans. The baskets heaped in the background are used to hold the kneaded dough, which is placed in the pits drawing heat from the fire-boxes, to rise. The fires are raked out and the dough is put into the fire-boxes on long planks being baked by the heat retained in the sontes. Each loaf baked here weighs three pounds and is in the shape of a fair-sized dish-pan. A mill where wheat is ground into flour adjoins the bakery and is operated by the A.R.C. 19 July 1919 [date received]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19501956
3. Junior Red Cross First Aid demonstrated by Boy Scouts. Uses of Scout neckerchief. Carrying injured man by neckerchief tied under arm pits April 1920 [date received]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19516241
4. These Russian women of Poltova are enjoying the fete which followed by the liberation of their city from Bolshevik rule. They are quite overcome with merriment at the idea of being photographed by the Americans. They much more selfconscious than the men. Gay as these women may be, three hundred yards from where they stand is a garden where officials of the Denikine Governement are excavating the pits which a fortnight ago were filled with the victims of the Bolshevik reign of terror 19 January 1920 [date received]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19503514
5. In the "Wheat Pit" of Tirana. Wheat speculation in Tirana, Albania, is accomplished without the assistance of tickers or brokers. The wheat pit of Tirana is a corner of the market place where buyer and seller meet face to face. Between them they weigh the grain. The primitive scales must balance to a hair's breadth before the transaction is completed. Grain is one of the scarcest food products of the Balkans. Until American cereal relief arrived thousands had gone without white bread for five years. The Red Cross supervised the actual distribution of food relief in many parts of the Balkans March 1920 [date received]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19510574
6. Charnel pit in which naked bodies of cholera's prey were thrown. Harbin Cholera Epidemic 27 October 1919 [date received]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19502796
7. FREETOWN - SUSAN'S BAY (SAW PIT) [Place of publication not identified]: [publisher not identified]; [date of publication not identified]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 22370761

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