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1. This man has commanded troops which in official reports have captured 200,000 Bolshevik prisoners. Baron Vrangell [Wrangel], Lieut. Gen. and Commander of the army of Caucasas [Caucasus], which has carried the eastern sector of Denikine's front. These troops captured Tzaritzin and Kamichin on the Volga, and are the right arm of the forceps which General Denikine is insinuating around Moscow. Vrangell [Wrangel] and his Cossacks are the eastern end, Skouro and his cossacks are the western end 11 November 1919 [date received]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19502994
2. This man has commanded troops which in official reports have captured 200,000 Bolshevik prisoners. Baron Vrangell [Wrangell , Lieut. Gen. and Commander of the army of Caucasas [Caucasus], which has carried the eastern sector of Denikine's front. These troops captured Tzaritzin and Kamichin on the Volga, and are the right arm of the forceps which General Denikine is insinuating around Moscow. Vrangell [Wrangel] and his Cossacks are the eastern end, Skouro and his cossacks are the western end 11 November 1919 [date received]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19502993
3. This man has commanded troops which in official reports have captured 200,000 Bolshevik prisoners. Baron Vrangell [Wrangell , Lieut. Gen. and Commander of the army of Caucasas [Caucasus], which has carried the eastern sector of Denikine's front. These troops captured Tzaritzin and Kamichin on the Volga, and are the right arm of the forceps which General Denikine is insinuating around Moscow. Vrangell [Wrangel] and his Cossacks are the eastern end, Skouro and his cossacks are the western end

4. This man has commanded troops which in official reports have captured 200,000 Bolshevik prisoners. Baron Vrangell [Wrangel], Lieut. Gen. and Commander of the army of Caucasas [Caucasus], which has carried the eastern sector of Denikine's front. These troops captured Tzaritzin and Kamichin on the Volga, and are the right arm of the forceps which General Denikine is insinuating around Moscow. Vrangell [Wrangel] and his Cossacks are the eastern end, Skouro and his cossacks are the western end


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