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  Label Dataset Type Subdivision Identifier
1. Single heading

LC Classification (LCC)
Technology--Motor vehicles. Aeronautics. Astronautics--Aeronautics. Aeronautical engineering--Operation of airplanes. Flying--Special, A-Z--Single heading ; Single heading--Airplanes
2. Allied Powers (1919- ). Reparation Commission. Statement of Germany's obligations under the heading of reparations, etc

3. Nursing & allied health (CINAHL) ... subject heading list

4. Field Marshall Smuts, Prime Minister of the Union South Africa, receives salute from Lieutenant Bergman, United States Navy, heading a group of U.S. Navy men passing in review in the Navy Week Celebration parade in Johannesburg. Also on the stand are Rear Admiral R.J.R. Scott (at Smutt's right), director of naval training, South Africa; Air Vice Marshall M.B. Frew; and Major General Brink, head of inland command. Field Marshall Smutts is fifth from left on the stand saluting) [between 1942 and 1945]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20033983
5. CINAHL ... subject heading list

6. Jobes, Christopher C. Utilizing mechanical linear transducers for the determination of a mining machine's position and heading Washington, D.C.: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Mines; 1990

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 3413588
7. Keystone View Company The President's carriage heading the procession, Grand Army Reunion, Buffalo, N.Y., U.S.A., Aug. 25, 1897 Meadville, Pa; St. Louis, Mo.: Keystone View Company, Manufacturers and Publishers; 1897

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 14773710
8. Highsmith, Carol M., 1946- Small cities in towns heading toward deterioration across America have employed various strategies, including the construction of waterfront trails and parks and the establishment of lively entertainment venues to bring area residents and visiting tourists downtown. Yazoo City's most obvious approach was to dress its downtown facades in bold, Carribeanesque colors 2017-11-05

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20372163
9. Highsmith, Carol M., 1946- Brazilian artist Eduardo Kobra's multi-story mural saluting legendary singer/songwriter Bob Dylan in downtown Minneapolis, which--along with neighboring St. Paul--is one of Minnesota's famous "Twin Cities." Dylan, born Robert Allen Zimmerman in Hibbing, Minnesota, changed his name at age 18 before moving to Minneapolis, where he studied briefly before heading to New York, fame, and fortune 2020-02-16

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 21813976
10. Yost, Ted I know where I'm heading tonight Nashville, TN: Black Diamond Records; [1994]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 21033890
11. [Whitaker Collection of lithographs by Noel of women and children, two have heading "L'Artiste"] 1831

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 16186320
12. Highsmith, Carol M., 1946- A ferry, heading for Woods Hole, leaves the terminal dock in Vineyard Haven, a town on Martha's Vineyard Island, a popular summering destination in the Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of Massachusetts' Cape Cod 2019-04-29

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 21328162
13. Allied Powers (1919- ). Reparation Commission. Statement of Germany's obligations under the heading of reparations, etc. London: Printed & pub. by H. M. Stationery off; 1922-23

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 9666149
14. Highsmith, Carol M., 1946- The old Milwaukee Road Depot that the railroad's officials affectionately called "The Princess," in Minnehaha Park, a sprawling city park in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Built in the 1870s, it was a popular destination for travelers from what was then the distant big city, heading to the park, its falls, and the Longfellow Gardens Zoo 2019-10-24

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 21813446
15. Highsmith, Carol M., 1946- Virgie's Restaurant in tiny Imboden, a community in northern Arkansas, doesn't bother with subtleties when attracting customers heading up to Old Hardy or down to Jonesboro 2020-11-15

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 22128092
16. Heading for shore: the struggle to save America's coasts 1992

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 11613239
17. Parks, Gordon, 1912-2006 On board the fishing boat Alden out of Gloucester, Massachusetts. Fishermen on a boat heading for Gloucester giving the location of large schools of mackerel to the Alden's crew as the boats pass 1943 June

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20053502
18. Highsmith, Carol M., 1946- A very old, multi-door log cabin (perhaps a cowhands' bunkhouse or travellers' rest hostel), near the Scotts Bluff National Monument, a sandstone bluff that was a landmark for westward-heading emigrants on the old Oregon Trail, near Gering in Scotts Bluff County, Nebraska 2022-01-02

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 22637498
19. Lange, Dorothea Two families, fifteen people, from Chickasaw, Oklahoma, camped by the roadside near Santa Maria, California. Heading for the pea harvest but stalled because they have no money to buy a trailer's license 1937 Feb

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19885823
20. Highsmith, Carol M., 1946- "Quittin' time," the statue of an oil worker heading home for the day, was placed on a downtown street in Corsicana, Texas, in 2012 2014-05-17

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 18380164

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