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1. Harris & Ewing U.S. experts test weather device. Washington, D.C., Sept. 13. Scientists of the National Bureau of Standards today conducted a test of the new radiometeorograph, a device attached to parachute and balloon and sent into the skies to radio back signals giving the pressure, temperature and humidity of the upper air. Preparing the balloon for the ascension are Dr. L.V. Astin, (left) of the Bureau's Electrical Division, and Dr. L.F. Curtiss, head of the Radium Division. The balloon carries the instrument as high as 50,000 or 60,000 feet. 9 to 11 miles high. Today's test was conducted for the U.S. Weather Bureau. 9/13/37 [19]37 September 13

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20248796
2. Symposium on the Irreversible Effects of High Pressure and High Temperature on the Properties of Materials (1964 : Philadelphia) Irreversible effects of high pressure and temperature on materials Philadelphia: American Society for Testing and Materials; [1965]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 6120027
3. International Conferernce on High Pressure and Low Temperature Physics, Cleveland State University, 1977 High-pressure and low-temperature physics New York: Plenum Press; c1978

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 3681743
4. American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Research Committee on High Temperature Steam Generation. Behavior of superheater alloys in high temperature, high pressure steam New York: American Society of Mechanical Engineers; [1968]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 759285
5. Harris & Ewing U.S. experts test weather device. Washington, D.C., Sept. 13. Scientists of the National Bureau of Standards today conducted a test of the new radiometeorograph, a device attached to parachute and balloon and sent into the skies to radio back signals giving the pressure, temperature and humidity of the upper air. Preparing the balloon for the ascension are Dr. L.V. Astin, (left) of the Bureau's Electrical Division, and Dr. L.F. Curtiss, head of the Radium Division. The balloon carries the instrument as high as 50,000 or 60,000 feet. 9 to 11 miles high. Today's test was conducted for the U.S. Weather Bureau. 9/13/37

6. Xu, Jiuping (Professor of management science) Tubular string characterization in high temperature high pressure oil and gas wells

7. Palmer, Alfred T. Putting tire into curing mold. From the vacuum expander, the potential new truck tire is taken to this "watch-case" curing mold in which it is baked under high heat and pressure for a long time. The exact time and temperature varies with the type and size of tire. The airbag inside the carcass is filled with live steam during this process so that heat is added from both inside and out. The mold contains the tread pattern, or design, as well as all markings which will appear on sidewall. Under this heat and pressure the rubber turns semi-liquid, and flows into every crevice, completely bonding the rubber processed fabric carcass to the cushion, the cushion to the tread. After this operation it is now one unit--a complete tire. Firestone (General) Tires, Akron, Ohio 1941 Dec

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19645623
8. Palmer, Alfred T. Production. Plywood for aircraft and boats. Making plywood panels for combat planes and boats. A huge hydraulic press operating at high temperature and a pressure of 250 pounds per square inch attaches glue-surfaced veneer sheets to lumber-core panels to make high-grade plywood for Army and Navy uses. Louisville, Kentucky 1942 June

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19637595
9. Sculthorpe, William L. Design of high pressure steam and high temperature water plants New York: Industrial Press; [1972]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 4650887
10. American Society for Testing Materials A. S. T. M. specifications for pipe and piping materials for high-temperature and high-pressure services Philadelphia, Pa: [1938-1940]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 14147909
11. Palmer, Alfred T. Production. Plywood for aircraft and boats. Making plywood panels for combat planes and boats. A huge hydraulic press operating at high temperature and a pressure of 250 pounds per square inch attaches glue-surfaced veneer sheets to lumber-core panels to make high-grade plywood for Army and Navy uses. Louisville, Kentucky 1942 June

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19637596
12. Ulmer, Gene Carleton, 1937- Research techniques for high pressure and high temperature New York: Springer-Verlag; 1971

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 768795
13. Xu, Jiuping (Professor of management science) Tubular string characterization in high temperature high pressure oil and gas wells Leiden, The Netherlands: CRC Press/Balkema; [2015]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 18319077
14. Hazen, Robert M., 1948- High-temperature and high-pressure crystal chemistry Washington, DC: Mineralogical Society of America; 2000

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 12504468
15. Schimpf, Christian, 1983- On the microstructure defects in hexagonal BN and their impact on the high pressure / high temperature phase transition to the dense BN polymorphs Freiberg: TU Bergakademie Freiberg; 2013

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 17955669
16. Yoon, K. K. (Kenneth K.) Fatigue, fracture, and high temperature design methods in pressure vessels and piping New York, N.Y.: American Society of Mechanical Engineers; c1998

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 4510033
17. Washburn, Edward W. (Edward Wight), 1881-1934 A twin-bomb method for the accurate determination of pressure-volume-temperature data and a simple method for the accurate measurement of high pressures ..

18. Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference (1993 : Denver, Colo.) High-temperature service and time-dependent failure New York, N.Y.: American Society of Mechanical Engineers; c1993

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 3471890
19. Symposium on the Irreversible Effects of High Pressure and High Temperature on the Properties of Materials (1964 : Philadelphia) Irreversible effects of high pressure and temperature on materials

20. Institution of Mechanical Engineers (Great Britain). Applied Mechanics Group. Pressure Vessels Section. Recent developments in high temperature design methods London: Mechanical Engineering Publications Ltd. for the Institution of Mechanical Engineers; 1977

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 2270555

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