The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service
  Label Dataset Type Subdivision Identifier
1. Harris & Ewing Bishop Cannon and Women Drys. Bishop James Cannon, Jr., Generalissimo of the organized dry forces, snapped at the Capitol today as thousands of members of the Women's National Committee for Law Enforcement gathered to demand continuance of prohibition. 4/18/32 1932 April 18

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20260296
2. Harris & Ewing Bishop Cannon and Women Drys. Bishop James Cannon, Jr., Generalissimo of the organized dry forces, snapped at the Capitol today as thousands of members of the Women's National Committee for Law Enforcement gathered to demand continuance of prohibition. 4/18/32

3. Block, Herbert, 1909-2001 "What's he trying to do -- bring back the law of supply-and-demand?" 1/15/1981

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 18003608
4. Harris & Ewing Authors of Administration Minimum Wage and Maximum Hours of Work Bill. Washington, D.C. May 24. Senator Hugo L. Black, (left) democratic senator from Alabama and Chairman of the Senate Committee on Education and Labor, and Rep. William P. Connery Jr, of Massachusetts Chairman of the House Labor Committee, study the bills they introduce today in the Senate and [...] for enactment of a standard wage scale and [minim]um hours of work law. The bills were introduced [...] after President Roosevelt's address demanding [...w] was read to both Houses of Congress. [...] call for a minimum of 40 cents an hour [mini]mum hours comprimise a 35 to 40 hour work [week], 5/24/37 [19]37 May 24

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20248189
5. Block, Herbert, 1909-2001 "What's he trying to do -- bring back the law of supply-and-demand?"

6. Harris & Ewing Authors of Administration Minimum Wage and Maximum Hours of Work Bill. Washington, D.C. May 24. Senator Hugo L. Black, (left) democratic senator from Alabama and Chairman of the Senate Committee on Education and Labor, and Rep. William P. Connery Jr, of Massachusetts Chairman of the House Labor Committee, study the bills they introduce today in the Senate and [...] for enactment of a standard wage scale and [minim]um hours of work law. The bills were introduced [...] after President Roosevelt's address demanding [...w] was read to both Houses of Congress. [...] call for a minimum of 40 cents an hour [mini]mum hours comprimise a 35 to 40 hour work [week], 5/24/37

7. Gorris, Leo E. Strine, Jr., Lawrence A. Hamermesh, R. Franklin Balotti, Jeffrey M. Loyalty's core demand Cambridge, MA: Harvard Law School; [2009]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 15953519
8. Harris & Ewing Fact finding board vetoes 15 percent rail wage cut. Washington, D.C., Oct. 29. Reporting to President Roosevelt today, the emergency fact-finding board announced they had rejected the demand of Railway Management for a 15 percent wage cut affecting 960,000 workers. Left to right - Dean James M. Landis, of the Harvard Law School; Chief Justice Walter Stacy, of North Carolina; and Dr. Harry A. Millis of the University of Chicago, 10-29-38 [19]38 October 29

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20254116
9. Everett and Webster. A scene in Congress in 1826! ... Daniel Webster in advocacy of the fugitive slave law ... Massachusetts will demand the removal of the statute of the defender of the fugitive slave bill. Sign and circulate the following petition [n. p.]: [n. d.]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 22258969
10. Jammu and Kashmir (India). Law Department. Detailed demand for grants of Law Department [Place of publication not identified]: [publisher not identified]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 11185228
11. The people demand of the United States the [...] repeal of the resumption law, remonetization of silver [...] [ca. 1878]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 11711524
12. Seminar on Letters of Credit, Bank Guarantees & Other On-Demand Payment Instruction (1996 : Ota, Kwara State, Nigeria) Seminar on Letters of Credit, Bank Guarantees & Other On Demand Payment Instruction, 3-6 September, 1996, Ota [Lagos, Nigeria] : The Centre, [1996]

BIBFRAME Instances
13. Boyle, James E. (James Ernest), 1873-1938 The law of supply and demand and the wheat market [Ithaca? N.Y.]: 1921

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 8256887
14. Kash, Rick The new law of demand and supply New York: Currency/Doubleday; 2002, c2001

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 12608175
15. Flumiani, Carlo Maria How to discover unlimited stock market profits by applying the law of supply and demand [Springfield, Mass.]: Library of Wall Street; [1967]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 2172060
16. Coronet Instructional Films The law of demand and supply [Motion picture] [n.p.]: Coronet; 1952

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 6974933
17. Mulford, Prentice, 1834-1891 Cure for alcoholic intemperance through the law of demand New York City: F. J. Needham; 1889

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 17213686
18. Grosvenor, Charles Henry, 1833-1917 The unlawful calling out of the militia--the law violated by the governor, and his weak apology--the demand upon which the troops were called out--a little Kellogg usupration in Ohio--the other ox is gored [n.p.]: [1875]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 5922485
19. Law, Herbert E. (Herbert Edward), 1864-1952 The power of mental demand, and other essays San Francisco: P. Elder and Company; [c1913]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 7767388
20. Law, Herbert E. (Herbert Edward), 1864-1952 The power of mental demand San Francisco: P. Elder and Company; [1916]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 6369106

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