The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service
  Label Dataset Type Subdivision Identifier
1. Bhattacharya, Batuknath The 'kalivarjyas'; or, Prohibitions in the 'Kali' age, their origin and evolution and their present legal bearing [Calcutta]: Univ. of Calcutta; 1943

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 6025639
2. Bhattacharya, Batuknath The "Kalivarjyas", or, Prohibitions in the 'Kali' age, their origin and evolution and their present legal bearing Calcutta: University of Calcutta; 1943

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 2121824
3. Bhattacharya, Batuknath The 'kalivarjyas'; or, Prohibitions in the 'Kali' age, their origin and evolution and their present legal bearing

4. Bhattacharya, Batuknath The "Kalivarjyas", or, Prohibitions in the 'Kali' age, their origin and evolution and their present legal bearing

5. Children (Place of origin)

LC Classification (LCC)
Law--History of canon law--Ius ecclesiasticum privatum--Persons. De personis--Natural persons. De personis physicis--Legal acts and facts affecting persons--Domicile. Quasi-domicile. Domicilium. Quasi-domicilium--Special topics, A-Z--Children (Place of origin) ; Children (Place of origin)--Natural p...
6. Law Library of Congress (U.S.). Global Legal Research Directorate Country of origin labeling of agricultural products [Washington, D.C.]: The Law Library of Congress, Global Legal Research Directorate; 2007

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 22193838
7. Tancred, Henry William, 1781-1860 A legal review of the origin of the system of representation in England ..

8. Petition by Juan de Villareal, a legal representative of the village of Bolea with regar to the fuero [i.e. especial right] of exclusion from imprisonment for debt of hijosdalgos [i.e. person of the noble origin]. [Ca.XVII century]

9. Papademetriou, Theresa Rules of origin - petroleum products [Washington, D.C.]: The Law Library of Congress, Global Legal Research Directorate; 2001

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 23053233
10. Tancred, Henry William, 1781-1860 A legal review of the origin of the system of representation in England ... London: H. Butterworth [etc.]; 1831

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 6349729
11. Bhatia, Harbans Singh, 1915- Rare documents on the origin and development of law and legal system in India New Delhi: Civil & Military Law Journal; [1973]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 2676833
12. Bhatia, Harbans Singh, 1915- Origin & development of legal & political system in India New Delhi: Deep & Deep Publications; c1976-

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 4610258
13. Blumer, Thomas J., 1937- Country of origin labeling laws - selected nations [Washington, D.C.]: The Law Library of Congress, Global Legal Research Directorate; 1997

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 22446826
14. Umeda, Sayuri Japan: country of origin laws for agricultural products [Washington, D.C.]: The Law Library of Congress, Global Legal Research Directorate; 2003

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 22674255
15. Senyk, Mariya The origin and destination principles as alternative approaches towards VAT allocation : analysis in the WTO, the OECD and the EU legal frameworks Amsterdam, The Netherlands: IBFD; [2020]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 21802773
16. Atwill, Nicole Historical origin of individual income tax and corporate income tax [Washington, D.C.]: The Law Library of Congress, Global Legal Research Directorate; 2005

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 22193385
17. Sutherland, William Dunbar, 1866- The applicability to medico-legal practice in India of the biochemical tests for the origin of blood-stains Calcutta: Superintendent government printing, India; 1910

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 8706825
18. Bellot, Hugh H. L. (Hugh Hale Leigh), 1861-1928 The legal principles and practice of bargains with money-lenders in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, British India, and the colonies, including the Money-lenders act, 1900 (annotated), regulations, rules, orders, and forms, together with digests of English, Scotch, Irish, Indian and colonial cases, and the origin and history of usury London: Stevens and Haynes; [etc., etc.]; [1906]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 6384947
19. Husain, Wahed Administration of justice during the Muslim rule in India, with a history of the origin of the Islámic legal institutions [Calcutta]: University of Calcutta; 1934

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 723139
20. Gardner, John Clanachan The origin and nature of the legal rights of spouses and children in the Scottish law of succession Edinburgh: W. Green & Sons, limited; 1928

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 10156209

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