The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service
  Label Dataset Type Subdivision Identifier
1. United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture. Review of the findings of the President's Working Group on Financial Markets; and the use of stock index futures and other recent market developments Washington: U.S. G.P.O. For sale by the Supt. of Docs., Congressional Sales Office, U.S. G.P.O.; 1988 [i.e. 1989]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 3882860
2. When the Day's Work is Done. Opposite the American Red Cross relief station at Ryeka, Montenegro, the farmers from the upper end of Lake Scutari moor their queer little boats when they come to market. And when they have exchanged all of their own produce for articles of more use to them they come back to their skiffs and wait for the day to get cooler before poling their boats back home. Very little money changes hands nowadays in Montenegrin markets. They are back to the primitive trading methods exchanging these articles of which they have many for those of which they have none. The Red Cross station can be seen in the background with an American supply truck drawn up before the door February 1920 [date received]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19510402
3. Asian Development Bank. Environment Division. Strategy for the use of market-based instruments in Indonesia's environmental management [Manila]: The Division; [1997]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 12350798
4. When the Day's Work is Done. Opposite the American Red Cross relief station at Ryeka, Montenegro, the farmers from the upper end of Lake Scutari moor their queer little boats when they come to market. And when they have exchanged all of their own produce for articles of more use to them they come back to their skiffs and wait for the day to get cooler before poling their boats back home. Very little money changes hands nowadays in Montenegrin markets. They are back to the primitive trading methods exchanging these articles of which they have many for those of which they have none. The Red Cross station can be seen in the background with an American supply truck drawn up before the door

5. United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture. Review of the findings of the President's Working Group on Financial Markets; and the use of stock index futures and other recent market developments

6. Seminar on the Use of Market Research in the Financial Fields (Banking and Insurance), Versailles, 1975 Seminar on the Use of Market Research in the Financial Fields (Banking and Insurance) [papers], Versailles, France, 29th January to 1st February, 1975 Amsterdam: Esomar; [1975?]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 1309887
7. Strategy for the use of market-based instruments in Indonesia's environmental management

8. Market share

LC Classification (LCC)
Social Sciences--Industries. Land use. Labor--Industry--Corporations--Industrial concentration--Market share ; Market share
9. Computer networks. Electronic information resources

LC Classification (LCC)
Social Sciences--Industries. Land use. Labor--Labor. Work. Working class--Labor market. Labor supply. Labor demand--Communication of information--Computer networks. Electronic information resources ; Computer networks--Labor market ; Digital libraries--Labor market ; Internet--Labor market ; Electro...
10. Portland Cement Association. Market and Economic Research Department. Apparent use of Portland cement by state and market [Skokie, IL]: Market and Economic Research

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 11304129
11. Understanding, negotiating, & using environmental insurance in today's market

12. California. Coastal Area Labor Market Information Group. Guide to the use of labor market information publications [Sacramento, CA] (800 Capitol Mall, Sacramento 95814): California Occupational Information Coordinating Committee; [1984]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 511037
13. Mulat Demeke Agricultural market performance and determinants of fertilizer use in Ethiopia Addis Ababa: Grain Market Research Project, Ministry of Economic Development and Cooperation; [1998]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 4520095
14. A working manual for sales control of the Chicago market and tributary market areas, presented as a sales control system for the use of sales and advertising executives [Chicago]: Chicago evening American; c1934

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 5815562
15. California. Labor Market Information Division. Guide to the use of labor market information publications [Sacramento, Calif.]: Printed by the California Occupational Information Coordinating Committee; 1993

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 1138810
16. Highsmith, Carol M., 1946- The fountain in Market Square, which was created in 1850 for perpetual use as a public market 2014-03-14

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 18364135
17. Mulat Demeke Promoting fertilizer use in Ethiopia Addis Ababa: Grain Market Research Project, Ministry of Economic Development and Cooperation; [1997]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 3101687
18. United States. Congress. House. Committee on Veterans' Affairs. Subcommittee on Housing. Use of National Service Life Insurance Trust to create secondary market for housing loans, defining certain terms in relation to GI home loans, barring referral of direct loans to voluntary home mortgage credit program or Government agency Washington: U. S. Govt. Print. Off; 1956

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 9340724
19. Sour milk markets in Montenegro. 'Clabber' or sour milk, a leading article of diet among Balkan peoples and believed by some scientifists to be responsible for longevity, is being sold here in the public market of Podgoritza. It is not used in any such quantities as formerly on account of the shortage of milk but it is something the people would rather have than almost any other food. No milk substitutes are to be had to take the place of pure milk for the starved, anemic children and the condensed brands supplied by the Junior Red Cross of America have answered a great need in orphanages and hospitals

20. Revolving Hog Wheel at Armour's - an ingenious contrivance used to facilitate the rapid handling of hogs in preparing them for the market


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