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1. Whatever service the helpless require the Red Cross is prepared to furnish. Here she is seen caring for a victim of Rheumatism, whose malady forces her to sit bolt upright in her chair all day long. "But", she said, "I don't feel so helpless and lonesome anymore, since Miss Cameron, our Red Cross Nurse, comes to comb my hair and rub my stiff old joints." Innumberable others will benefit from the extention of the Red Cross Nursing system, under the Peace Program of the organization, to insure which the Third Red Cross Call will be held Nov. 2, to 11 which as nearly universal membership for 1920 as possible will be sought 7 October 1919 [date received]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19502564
2. Whatever service the helpless require the Red Cross is prepared to furnish. Here she is seen caring for a victim of Rheumatism, whose malady forces her to sit bolt upright in her chair all day long. "But", she said, "I don't feel so helpless and lonesome anymore, since Miss Cameron, our Red Cross Nurse, comes to comb my hair and rub my stiff old joints." Innumberable others will benefit from the extention of the Red Cross Nursing system, under the Peace Program of the organization, to insure which the Third Red Cross Call will be held Nov. 2, to 11 which as nearly universal membership for 1920 as possible will be sought 7 October 1919 [date received]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19502563
3. Whatever service the helpless require the Red Cross is prepared to furnish. Here she is seen caring for a victim of Rheumatism, whose malady forces her to sit bolt upright in her chair all day long. "But", she said, "I don't feel so helpless and lonesome anymore, since Miss Cameron, our Red Cross Nurse, comes to comb my hair and rub my stiff old joints." Innumberable others will benefit from the extention of the Red Cross Nursing system, under the Peace Program of the organization, to insure which the Third Red Cross Call will be held Nov. 2, to 11 which as nearly universal membership for 1920 as possible will be sought

4. Whatever service the helpless require the Red Cross is prepared to furnish. Here she is seen caring for a victim of Rheumatism, whose malady forces her to sit bolt upright in her chair all day long. "But", she said, "I don't feel so helpless and lonesome anymore, since Miss Cameron, our Red Cross Nurse, comes to comb my hair and rub my stiff old joints." Innumberable others will benefit from the extention of the Red Cross Nursing system, under the Peace Program of the organization, to insure which the Third Red Cross Call will be held Nov. 2, to 11 which as nearly universal membership for 1920 as possible will be sought

5. Red Cross Bedside Nursing. Bedside nursing is one of the most highly appreciated duties of the Red Cross Public Health Nurse. This bed-ridden invalid has been made comfortable on the porch of her home by the Nurse who regularly visits here. Under the peace program of the Red Cross, to sustain which the third Red Cross Roll Call for members which will be held, Nov. 2 to 11 the Public Health Nursing system will be expanded to be even more effective than at present 7 October 1919 [date received]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19502568
6. Red Cross Bedside Nursing. Bedside nursing is one of the most highly appreciated duties of the Red Cross Public Health Nurse. This bed-ridden invalid has been made comfortable on the porch of her home by the Nurse who regularly visits here. Under the peace program of the Red Cross, to sustain which the third Red Cross Roll Call for members which will be held, Nov. 2 to 11 the Public Health Nursing system will be expanded to be even more effective than at present 7 October 1919 [date received]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19502567
7. In addition to conducting baby clinics at the Day Nursery, Bloomfield, N.J., every Thursday afternoon this Red Cross Public Health Nurse is called upon to entertain the kiddies who are mothered in this institution. Here she is seen telling stories to as attentive an audience as one could wish for. One of the features of the peace program of the Red Cross, to make affective a record membership for 1920 will be sought during the Third Red Cross Roll Call, November 2 to 11, will be extension of the public health nursing system that has proved so valuable in many communities 7 October 1919 [date received]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19502573
8. Red Cross Bedside Nursing. Bedside nursing is one of the most highly appreciated duties of the Red Cross Public Health Nurse. This bed-ridden invalid has been made comfortable on the porch of her home by the Nurse who regularly visits here. Under the peace program of the Red Cross, to sustain which the third Red Cross Roll Call for members which will be held, Nov. 2 to 11 the Public Health Nursing system will be expanded to be even more effective than at present

9. Red Cross Bedside Nursing. Bedside nursing is one of the most highly appreciated duties of the Red Cross Public Health Nurse. This bed-ridden invalid has been made comfortable on the porch of her home by the Nurse who regularly visits here. Under the peace program of the Red Cross, to sustain which the third Red Cross Roll Call for members which will be held, Nov. 2 to 11 the Public Health Nursing system will be expanded to be even more effective than at present

10. In addition to conducting baby clinics at the Day Nursery, Bloomfield, N.J., every Thursday afternoon this Red Cross Public Health Nurse is called upon to entertain the kiddies who are mothered in this institution. Here she is seen telling stories to as attentive an audience as one could wish for. One of the features of the peace program of the Red Cross, to make affective a record membership for 1920 will be sought during the Third Red Cross Roll Call, November 2 to 11, will be extension of the public health nursing system that has proved so valuable in many communities


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