Label | Dataset | Type | Subdivision | Identifier | |
1. | Naogeorgus, Thomas, 1511-1563 |
LC Classification (LCC) |
ClassNumber Topic |
PA8555.N3 | |
Language And Literature--Medieval and modern Latin literature--Individual authors or works--Modern, 1350---Naogeorgus, Thomas, 1511-1563 | |||||
2. | Naogeorg, Thomas, 1511-1563 |
LC Name Authority File (LCNAF) |
PersonalName SimpleType Name Authority |
nr88000119 | |
Naogeorgus, Thomas, 1511-1563 ; Noageorgus, Thomas, 1511-1563 ; Noageorgius, Thomas, 1511-1563 ; Naogeorgus, Straubingensis, 1511-1563 ; Naogeorgius, Straubingensis, 1511-1563 ; Neageorgius, Thomas, 1511-1563 ; Nageorgus, Thomas, 1511-1563 ; Nageorgius, Thomas, 1511-1563 ; Naogeorgo, Thoma, 1511-156... | |||||
3. | Kirchmeyer, Thomas, 1511-1563 |
LC Name Authority File (LCNAF) |
PersonalName SimpleType Name Authority |
no2022006832 | |
Kirchmair, Thomas, 1511-1563 ; Kirchmayr, Thomas, 1511-1563 ; Kirchmaier, Thomas, 1511-1563 ; Kyrchmayer, Thomas, 1511-1563 ; Kirchmayer, Naogeorgus Thomas, 1511-1563 ; Kirchmeier, Thomas, 1511-1563 ; Kyrchmayr, Thomas, 1511-1563 ; Kirchmayer, Thomas, 1511-1563 |
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