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1. Harris & Ewing C.I.O. counsel hits A.F. of L. criticism of National Labor Relations board. Washington, D.C., Lee Pressman, C.I.O. counsel, today took issue with the A.F.L. proposals to "safeguard" unions against NLRB "favorism" by providing that the Board's decisions shall not become effective until confirmed by the courts. Testifying before a Senate education and Labor Subcommittee, Pressman asserted that such an amendment to the Wagner Bill guaranteeing collective bargaining under Federal contracts, loans, or grants would eliminate the effectiveness of the board, 3/24/38 [19]38 March 24

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20253118
2. Harris & Ewing Schoolboy patrols march. Washington, D.C., May 7. Reports that 800 war veterans with rubber hoses were mobilizing to prevent their speeches denouncing Mayor Hague in Jersey City tonight failed to halt the plans of Reps. Jerry O'Connell, (D. Mont.) and John T. Bernard, (F.L. Minn.) who are shown leaving Union Station with their wives. In the photograph (front) are Mary Bernard, daughter of Minnesota Solon; Rep. Bernard, and Rep. O'Connell. In the rear are Mrs. bernard and Mrs O'Connell. 5/7/38 [19]38 May 7

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20253388
3. Harris & Ewing At A.F. of L. meeting. Washington, D.C., April 19. William Green, President of the American Federation of Labor, and Daniel J. Tobin, (standing) Vice President, held a last minute confab today before attending a meeting of the Executive Council of the Federation to consider calling an emergency convention to expel unions affiliated with the C.I.O., 4/19/1937 1937 April 19

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20248015
4. Harris & Ewing First to oppose nomination Frankfurter before Senate Judiciary Subcommittee. First witness before the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee considering the nomination of Felix Frankfurter to the Supreme Court was Collis O. Redd of the Constitutional Crusaders of America, sometimes known as Soldiers of the Cross. Redd explained to the committee that he represented the interests of 'everybody but the C.I.O. and A.F. of L. He said he was opposing the appointment of Dr. Frankfurter because he favors the New Deal of liberalism of the brain trusters and not of our forefathers, 1/10/39 [19]39 January 10

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20254777
5. Harris & Ewing At Rayburn luncheon. Washington, D.C., Jan. 9. No doubt, this conversation was along monetary lines: Jesse Jones, Chairman of the R.F.C. and J.F.T. O'Connor, Comptroller of the Currency, as they attended the luncheon given in honor of Rep. Sam Rayburn, new Majority Leader of the House. The Texas Club played host at the National Press Club [19]37 January 9

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20247516
6. Harris & Ewing President receives legislative program of American Farm Bureau. Washington, D.C., Jan. 10. The legislative program of the American Farm Bureau, calling for modification of hours and wages of relief labor and suggesting that both industry and labor refrain from advancing prices and wage rates, was presented to President Roosevelt today. In the group, left to right: O.O. Wolf of Kansas; E.A. O'Neal of Alabama, President of the American Farm Bureau; George M. Putnam of New Hampshire; H.J. King of Wyoming; Donald Kirkpatrick, legal counsel; J.F. Porter of Tennessee; and W.R. Ogg of the Research Division of the Bureau, 1/10/39 - Electronic Resource

BIBFRAME Instances
7. Harris & Ewing Controller of currency may run for California Governorship. Washington, D.C., Aug. 11. J.F.T. O'Connor, Controller of the Currency, announced today that he was seriously considering submitting his name to the voters in California next August for the Gubernatorial Nomination. California is the home state of Controller O'Connor, 8/11/37 [19]37 August 11

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20248626
8. Harris & Ewing Controller of currency may run for California Governorship. Washington, D.C., Aug. 11. J.F.T. O'Connor, Controller of the Currency, announced today that he was seriously considering submitting his name to the voters in California next August for the Gubernatorial nomination. California is the home state of Controller O'Connor, 8/11/37 [19]37 August 11

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20248625
9. Odd-Fellows, Independent Order of. Netherlands. Gedenkboek ter gelegenheid van het vijfigjarig bestaan der I.O.O.F. in Nederland, 19 Maart, 1877-1927 [Amsterdam]: [Calff & Meischke]; [1927]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 6307705
10. O'Halloran, Thomas J. [F. Brent Sandidge, General Supervisor of Instruction for Warren and Rappahannock counties looking at book, as African American students walk up the driveway, outside Warren County High School, Front Royal, Virginia] 2/19/1959 [19 February 1959]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 22034609
11. O'Halloran, Thomas J. [African American students with F. Brent Sandidge, General Supervisor of Instruction for Warren and Rappahannock counties, outside Warren County High School, Front Royal, Virginia, during school integration] 2/19/1959 [19 February 1959]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 22034587
12. Trebitsch, Arthur, 1880-1927 O. F. Gruppe [n.p.]: [19-?]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 9554112
13. Russian S.F.S.R. Postanovlenie Soveta narodnykh komissarov (ot 19 ii︠u︡li︠a︡ 1930 g.) po dokladu NKSO o sostoi︠a︡nii i perspektivakh sot︠s︡ialʹnogo obespechenii︠a︡ RSFSR

14. Harris & Ewing UAWU President appears before Dies committee. Washington, D.C., Dec. 1. After declaring he was only appearing because he was subpoenaed, Homer Martin, President of the United Automobile Works Union, told the Dies Committee Investigating Un-American Activities that communists are active in both the C.I.O. and the A.F. of L., and that they are 'relatively' as active in the AFL as in any other organization. He charged that Judge Paul V. Gadola of Flint, Mich., who issued an injunction requiring auto union members to vacate General Motors plants during the 1937 sit-down strikes, is a fascist [19]38 December 1

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20254338
15. Harris & Ewing Begin study of security changes. Washington, D.C., Nov. 5. Outstanding business, industrial and labor leaders attended the first meeting of the Social Security Advisory Council today. Possible changes in the Social Security Act were discussed at the meeting which was held in the Secretary of Labor's office. Here we see, left to right: J. [?] Douglas Brown, Princeton University; Gerard Swope, President of General Electric Co.; Matthew Woll, A.F. of L.; Philip Murray, C.I.O.; as they talk to Arthur J. Altmeyer, Chairman of the Social Security Board, 11/5/37 [19]37 November 5

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20248994
16. Harris & Ewing Hunter succeeds Aubrey Williams in WPA. Washington, D.C., Jan. 18. Howard O. Hunter, appointed Deputy Administrator of WPA by Col. F.C. Harrington today, succeeding Aubrey Williams. He will take up his new duties Feb. 1. He has been serving as a field representative in the middle west, and is here surveying with satisfaction the prospect of 'staying put' in his desk job, 1/18/39 [19]39 January 18

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20254849
17. Harris & Ewing John L. Lewis at the White House. Washington, D.C., July 20. John L. Lewis conferred with President Roosevelt today for hald an hour on 'a number of subjects.' He replied 'no' to a specific question as to whether he had talked about the prospect of renewing the disrupted peace talks between the C.I.O. and A.F. of L. Lewis said he visited the White House 'by invitation, and any gentleman who says otherwise is in error,' 7/20/39 [19]39 July 20

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20256084
18. Russian S.F.S.R. Postanovlenie Soveta narodnykh komissarov (ot 19 ii︠u︡li︠a︡ 1930 g.) po dokladu NKSO o sostoi︠a︡nii i perspektivakh sot︠s︡ialʹnogo obespechenii︠a︡ RSFSR. [Moskva]: 1930

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 7837491
19. Harris & Ewing A.F. of L. paints home of John L. Lewis. Washington D.C., July 14. John L. Lewis Head of the C.I.O. is having his newly purchased home in Alexandria, VA reconditioned by the members of the American Federation of Labor his rival in the labor disputes. Photo shows two of the A.F. of L. painters at work on the house, 7/14/37 [19]37 July 14

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20248459
20. Harris & Ewing A.F. of L. Head urges amendment to Wagner Act. Washington, D.C., March 22. American Federation of Labor President William Green today urged the Senate Education and Labor Subcommittee to amend the Wagner Bill guaranteeing collective baragaining in federal contracts to curtail the "discretionary power" of the National Labor Relations Board. Green declared, the Wagner Act as now functioning, gives the NLRB the power to "play favorites" between the A.F. of L. and the C.I.O., if it is disposed, 3/22/38 [19]38 March 22

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20253098

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